
struct for typed errors of method create_project

struct for typed errors of method get_active_project

struct for typed errors of method get_project

struct for typed errors of method get_project_members

struct for typed errors of method list_projects

struct for typed errors of method purge_project

struct for typed errors of method remove_project_member

struct for typed errors of method set_active_project

struct for typed errors of method update_project_config

struct for typed errors of method update_project


Creates a new project.

Use this API to get your active project in the Ory Cloud Console UI.

Get a projects you have access to by its ID.

This endpoint requires the user to be a member of the project with the role OWNER or DEVELOPER.

Lists all projects you have access to.

!! Use with extreme caution !! Using this API endpoint you can purge (completely delete) a project and its data. This action can not be undone and will delete ALL your data. !! Use with extreme caution !!

This endpoint requires the user to be a member of the project with the role OWNER.

Use this API to set your active project in the Ory Cloud Console UI.

Creates a new configuration revision for a project.

This endpoints allows you to update the Ory Cloud Project configuration for individual services (identity, permission, …). The configuration is fully compatible with the open source projects for the respective services (e.g. Ory Kratos for Identity, Ory Keto for Permissions). This endpoint expects the version key to be set in the payload. If it is unset, it will try to import the config as if it is from the most recent version. If you have an older version of a configuration, you should set the version key in the payload! While this endpoint is able to process all configuration items related to features (e.g. password reset), it does not support operational configuration items (e.g. port, tracing, logging) otherwise available in the open source. For configuration items that can not be translated to Ory Cloud, this endpoint will return a list of warnings to help you understand which parts of your config could not be processed. Be aware that updating any service’s configuration will completely override your current configuration for that service!