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//! Create orthographic projection images in Rust
/// An orthographic image
/// Images are square, with the globe in the middle. Create one with a size of 500x500, where
/// all pixels are set to `0`, centred on Rome:
/// # Examples
///use orthoproj::OrthoProj;
///let mut image = OrthoProj::new(500, 41.89889, 12.47337, 0);
/// We can then set pixels on this image, based on their lat/lon
///# use orthoproj::OrthoProj;
///# let mut image = OrthoProj::new(500, 41.89889, 12.47337, 0);
///image.set(51.50791, -0.12786, 1);
/// You can then loop over all the pixels, getting the current value.
pub struct OrthoProj<T: Clone> {
_data: Vec<T>,
_lat: f32,
_lon: f32,
_size: u32,
impl<T: Clone> OrthoProj<T> {
/// Create a new orthographic projection with width & height of `size`, centred on `lat` and
/// `lon`. `default` is the default value
pub fn new(size: u32, lat: f32, lon: f32, default: T) -> Self {
let s = size as usize;
OrthoProj{ _size: size, _data: vec![default; s*s], _lat: lat.to_radians(), _lon: lon.to_radians() }
/// Create a new OrthoProj, `size` and `lon`/`lat`, but the background (non-sphere) is `bg`,
/// and `surface` is used for values on the sphere.
pub fn new_with_bg(size: u32, lat: f32, lon: f32, bg: T, surface: T) -> Self {
let mut o = Self::new(size, lat, lon, bg);
// draw a circle
let r2 = (size/2)*(size/2);
// presume centre is at (size/2, size/2)
let cx = size/2;
let cy = size/2;
for x in 0..size {
for y in 0..size {
let dist2 = (x-cx)*(x-cx) + (y-cy)*(y-cy);
if dist2 <= r2 {
o.set_pixel(x, y, surface.clone());
/// For this projection, what would be the pixel x/y values for this point. `None` if the
/// lat/lon lies outside the visible area.
pub fn xy_for_pos(&self, lat: f32, lon: f32) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
// lat = phi
// lon = lambda
// x = r cos(lat)sin(lon - lon0)
// y = r ( cos(lat0)sin(lat) - sin(lat0)cos(lat)cos(lon-lon0) )
// cos c = sin(lat0)sin(lat) + cos(lat0)cos(lat)cos(lon-lon0)
// is it the far side of the globe
let lat = lat.to_radians();
let lon = lon.to_radians();
let cos_c = self._lat.sin() * lat.sin() + self._lat.cos()*lat.cos()*(lon - self._lon).cos();
if cos_c < 0. {
return None;
let r = (self._size / 2) as f32;
let x = r * lat.cos() * (lon - self._lon).sin();
let y = r * ( self._lat.cos()*lat.sin() - self._lat.sin()*lat.cos()*(lon - self._lon).cos() );
// FIXME Weird hack? Why is this required?
let y = y * -1.;
let x = x + r;
let y = y + r;
let x = x.trunc() as u32;
let y = y.trunc() as u32;
Some((x, y))
/// Set the value of `lat`, `lon` to `value`
pub fn set(&mut self, lat: f32, lon: f32, value: T) {
match self.xy_for_pos(lat, lon) {
None => {},
Some((x, y)) => {
self.set_pixel(x, y, value);
/// For `lat`/`lon` what is the currently stored value?
pub fn get(&self, lat: f32, lon: f32) -> &T {
let r = (self._size / 2) as f32;
let x = r * lat.to_radians().cos() * (lon - self._lon).to_radians().sin();
let y = r * ( self._lon.to_radians().cos()*lat.to_radians().sin() - self._lon.to_radians().sin()*(lon - self._lat).to_radians().cos() );
// FIXME clipping
let i = x.trunc() as usize * self._size as usize + y.trunc() as usize;
/// What is the current value of pixel `x`, `y`
pub fn get_pixel(&self, x: u32, y: u32) -> &T {
&self._data[(x*self._size+y) as usize]
/// Shortcut to set the value of pixel (`x`, `y`) to `value`.
fn set_pixel(&mut self, x: u32, y: u32, value: T) {
let i = x as usize * self._size as usize + y as usize;
self._data[i] = value;
mod tests {
fn test_simple() {
use super::OrthoProj;
let o = OrthoProj::new(3, 0., 0., 0u8);
assert_eq!(o.get_pixel(0, 0), &0u8);