Derive Macro ormx::Table[][src]

    // Attributes available to this derive:
Expand description

Derives Table and generates a struct for inserting rows and accessors to certain fields.


#[ormx(table = "users", id = user_id, insertable)]
struct User {
    #[ormx(column = "id")]
    user_id: u32,
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,
    email: String,
    #[ormx(default, set)]
    last_login: Option<NaiveDateTime>,

The ID

It is required that every table contains an ID column, which uniquely identifies a row.
Probably, you would want to use an auto-incrementing integer for this.
This is a central requirement of ormx, and if your table does not fulfill this requirement, ormx is not what you are looking for.


See the documentation of Table


ormx will generate a helper struct for inserting rows into the database when using #[ormx(insertable)].
This struct will contain all fields of the struct, except

  • the ID
  • fields annotated with #[ormx(default)]

since the value of these fields will be generated by the database. By default, this struct will be named Insert{struct_name}, though this can be changed by supplying a custom name: #[ormx(insertable = CreateUser)]. The generated struct can be used by Table::insert or Insert::insert.


ormx will implement Delete for your struct when using `#[ormx(deletable)].

Accessors: Getters

ormx will generate accessor functions for fields annotated with #[ormx(get_one)], #[ormx(get_optional)] and #[ormx(get_many)]. These functions can be used to query a row by the value of the annotated field.

The generated function will have these signature:
{pub} async fn get_by_{field_name}(&{field_type}) -> Result<Self>

{pub} async fn get_by_{field_name}(&{field_type}) -> Result<Option<Self>>

{pub} async fn get_by_{field_name}(&{field_type}) -> Result<Vec<Self>>

By default, the function will be named get_by_{field_name), though this can be changed by supplying a custom name: #[ormx(get_one = by_id)]. By default, the function will take a reference to the type of the annotated field as an argument, though this can be changed by supplying a custom type: #[ormx(get_one(&str)].

Accessors: Setters

ormx will generate accessor functions for fields annotated with #[ormx(set)]. These functions can be used to update a single field of an entity.

The generated function will have these signature: #[ormx(set)]: {pub} async fn set_{field_name}(&mut self, {field_type}) -> Result<Self>

By default, the function will be named set_{field_name), though this can be changed by supplying a custom name: #[ormx(set = set_name)].

Custom types

When using custom types (which implement sqlx::Type), the field has to annotated with #[ormx(custom_type)]. This will use a column type override for querying this field (see the sqlx docs on this).