Module orion::pwhash

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Password hashing and verification.

Use case:

orion::pwhash is suitable for securely storing passwords.

An example of this would be needing to store user passwords (from a sign-up at a webstore) in a server database, where a potential disclosure of the data in this database should not result in the user’s actual passwords being disclosed as well.


  • Uses PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512.
  • A salt of 64 bytes is automatically generated.
  • The password hash length is set to 64.

The first 64 bytes of the PasswordHash returned by pwhash::hash_password is the salt used to hash the password and the last 64 bytes is the actual hashed password. When using this function with pwhash::hash_password_verify(), then the seperation of the salt and the password hash are automatically handeled.


  • password: The password to be hashed.
  • expected_with_salt: The expected password hash with the corresponding salt prepended.
  • iterations: The number of iterations performed by PBKDF2, i.e. the cost parameter.


An exception will be thrown if:

  • iterations is 0.
  • The OsRng fails to initialize or read from its source.
  • The expected_with_salt is not constructed exactly as in pwhash::hash_password.
  • The password hash does not match expected_with_salt.


  • The iteration count should be set as high as feasible. The recommended minimum is 100000.


use orion::pwhash;

let password = pwhash::Password::from_slice("Secret password".as_bytes());

let hash = pwhash::hash_password(&password, 100000).unwrap();
assert!(pwhash::hash_password_verify(&hash, &password, 100000).unwrap());


pub use hazardous::kdf::pbkdf2::Password;


A type to represent the PasswordHash that PBKDF2 returns when used for password hashing.


Hash a password using PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512.
Hash and verify a password using PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512.