orion-ssg 1.1.4

A static site generator to create a simple blog from Markdown files.
orion-ssg-1.1.4 is not a library.


A static site generator written in Rust to create a simple blog from Markdown files.

CLI Actions

  • orion init [PATH] : create a directory to start a new Orion blog (with a few fake posts)
  • orion post [SLUG] : create a new Markdown post
  • orion build : export the Markdown to html
  • orion serve : build, start a local server to test your build, and watch for changes on /posts, /static and /themes
  • orion --version : display the current version of Orion

You can use the --help or -h flag for each action to know more

Directory structure

├── posts
├── build.sh
├── config.toml
├── public
├── static
└── themes

/posts Contains all the markdown files for your posts

build.sh A build script to use in CI/CD environments

config.toml The configuration of your site

/public The build directory (the files that will be deployed into production)

/static All the assets you want to use (images for your posts, for example)

/themes It contains the different themes you can use, each folder representing them with its own assets: html layout, css, images, ...

Front matter

You can use the following values in your posts. They will be located at the top of the file in between ---.

title: My great title
description: This is a small summary of my post
published_at: 2022-11-01 11:12:13
image: https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/pictures/220000/velka/orion-nebula.jpg

The actual markdown content


The favicon was made by Denis Moskowitz from the Noun Project.