Module origen::core[][src]


Collects the main Origen configuration options from all origen.toml files found in the application and Origen CLI installation file system paths

The file_handler is responsible for processing the file arguments supplied to Origen commands from the CLI. It provides methods for consumers to retreive one file at a time or all files at once and seamlessly opens up lists to get to the inidividual files inside.

This module is responsible for abstracting and managing job submissions to LSF

This manages how generated files are saved as references. When new or changed files are generated a save ref is saved on disk which will allow a future execution of the ‘origen save_ref’ command to determine the source and destination of the file to be saved as a the new reference version. Save refs are stored as single files per reference instead of a single file containing all references or the log as was used in O1. A single file is not used to avoid contentions when multiple generation jobs are running in parallel on the LSF.