Crate optional

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§Space-efficient optional values


Type OptionBool represents an optional boolean value, similar to Option<bool>. Most function implementations are similar or equal. Note that the map_bool(..) and_bool(..), and_then_bool(..), or_bool(..) and or_else_bool(..) functions are working similar to the methods without the _bool suffix, but require and return OptionBool instead of Option<bool>. This allows people to stay within the type.

The OptionBool type is expected to require only 1 byte of storage:

assert!(1 == std::mem::size_of::<optional::OptionBool>());

However, since this crate was originally authored, improvements in the compiler have built in this optimization for Option<bool> as well. The OptionBool type remains however because it may still perform faster in some bench marks.

assert!(1 == std::mem::size_of::<Option<bool>>());

§Any type can be optional

Then there is the Optioned<T> type which wraps a type T as an optional value of T where one particular value represents None. Optioned<T> requires the exact same space as T:

assert!(std::mem::size_of::<optional::Optioned<i64>>() ==
assert!(std::mem::size_of::<optional::Optioned<f32>>() ==
assert!(std::mem::size_of::<optional::Optioned<u8>>() ==

There are implementations for u8..64,usize with std::u..::MAX representing None, also for i8..64,isize with std::i..::MIN representing None, and for f32, f64 with std::f..::NAN representing None.

Using Optioned for your own types is as simple as implementing Noned for your type, provided that your type is already Copy and Sized.


  • iterate over an OptionBool
  • An Option<T>-like structure that takes only as much space as the enclosed value, at the cost of removing one particular None value from the value domain (see Noned)
  • iterate over an Optioned


  • The OptionBool type, a space-efficient Option replacement


  • A trait whose implementation for any type T allows the use of Optioned<T> where T is bound by both Sized and Copy.
  • Equality within Optioned
  • Ordering within Optioned


  • Create a None Optioned<T>. Note that the type must be inferrible from the context, or you’d need to call with ::<T> where T is the specific type.
  • Create an Optioned<T> that is some(t).
  • Wrap a T into an Optioned<T>, regardless of its None-ness.