[][src]Function openthread_sys::otPlatBleGapAdvDataSet

pub unsafe extern "C" fn otPlatBleGapAdvDataSet(
    aInstance: *mut otInstance,
    aAdvData: *const u8,
    aAdvDataLength: u8
) -> otError

Sets BLE Advertising packet content.

@note This function shall be used only for BLE Peripheral role.

@param[in] aInstance The OpenThread instance structure. @param[in] aAdvData A pointer to advertising data content in raw format. @param[in] aAdvDataLength The size of advertising data. Shall not exceed OT_BLE_ADV_DATA_MAX_LENGTH.

@retval ::OT_ERROR_NONE Advertising data has been successfully set. @retval ::OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS Invalid advertising data has been supplied.