[][src]Function openthread_sys::otCryptoEcdsaSign

pub unsafe extern "C" fn otCryptoEcdsaSign(
    aOutput: *mut u8,
    aOutputLength: *mut u16,
    aInputHash: *const u8,
    aInputHashLength: u16,
    aPrivateKey: *const u8,
    aPrivateKeyLength: u16
) -> otError

This method creates ECDSA sign.

@param[out] aOutput An output buffer where ECDSA sign should be stored. @param[inout] aOutputLength The length of the @p aOutput buffer. @param[in] aInputHash An input hash. @param[in] aInputHashLength The length of the @p aClaims buffer. @param[in] aPrivateKey A private key in PEM format. @param[in] aPrivateKeyLength The length of the @p aPrivateKey buffer.

@retval OT_ERROR_NONE ECDSA sign has been created successfully. @retval OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS Output buffer is too small. @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS Private key is not valid EC Private Key. @retval OT_ERROR_FAILED Error during signing.