[][src]Function openthread_sys::otPlatBleGattClientOnDescriptorsDiscoverDone

pub unsafe extern "C" fn otPlatBleGattClientOnDescriptorsDiscoverDone(
    aInstance: *mut otInstance,
    aDescs: *mut otPlatBleGattDescriptor,
    aCount: u16,
    aError: otError

The BLE driver calls this method to notify OpenThread that GATT Descriptor Discovery has been done.

@note This function shall be used only for GATT Client.

@param[in] aInstance The OpenThread instance structure. @param[in] aDescs A pointer to discovered descriptor list. @param[in] aCount Number of descriptors in @p aDescs list. @param[in] aError The value of OT_ERROR_NONE indicates that at least one descriptor has been found and the total number of them is stored in @p aCount. OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND error should be set if no descriptors are found. Otherwise error indicates the reason of failure is used.