This is supported on crate feature metrics only.
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No-op OpenTelemetry Metrics Implementation

Metrics Registry API

Metrics SDK API


An atomic version of Number

An Observer callback that can report observations for multiple instruments.

Passed to a batch observer callback to capture observations for multiple asynchronous instruments.

BoundCounter is a bound instrument for counters.

BoundUpDownCounter is a bound instrument for counters.

BoundValueRecorder is a bound instrument for recording per-request non-additive values.

A metric that accumulates values.

Configuration for building a counter.

Descriptor contains all the settings that describe an instrument, including its name, metric kind, number kind, and the configurable options.

Config contains some options for metrics of any kind.

Measurement is used for reporting a synchronous batch of metric values. Instances of this type should be created by synchronous instruments (e.g., Counter::measurement).

Meter is the OpenTelemetry metric API, based on a sdk-defined MeterCore implementation and the Meter library name.

Number represents either an integral or a floating point value. It needs to be accompanied with a source of NumberKind that describes the actual type of the value stored within Number.

Observation is used for reporting an asynchronous batch of metric values. Instances of this type should be created by asynchronous instruments (e.g., ValueObserver::observation).

Data passed to an observer callback to capture observations for one asynchronous metric instrument.

A metric that captures a precomputed sum of values at a point in time.

Configuration options for building a SumObserver

Units denote underlying data units tracked by Meters.

A metric instrument that sums non-monotonic values.

Configuration for a new up down counter.

A metric that captures a precomputed non-monotonic sum of values at a point in time.

Configuration options for building a UpDownSumObserver

A metric that captures a set of values at a point in time.

Configuration options for building a ValueObserver

ValueRecorder is a metric that records per-request non-additive values.

Initialization configuration for a given ValueRecorder.


Called when collecting async instruments

Kinds of OpenTelemetry metric instruments

Errors returned by the metrics API.

A descriptor for the encoded data type of a Number


Returns named meter instances

Type Definitions

A specialized Result type for metric operations.