Crate opentelemetry_zpages

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ZPages implementation for Opentelemetry


zPages are an in-process alternative to external exporters. When included, they collect and aggregate tracing and metrics information in the background; this data is served on web pages or APIs when requested.

Currently only tracez components are available. And some of those are still work in progress. Known limitation includes

  • The sampled running span doesn’t reflect the changes made to the span.
  • The API only returns the json response.
  • Users have to build their own http server from the components provided.

§Get start

The first step is to initiate the ZPagesSpanProcessor and install it in TracerProvider.

    let (processor, querier) = tracez(5, Tokio);
    let provider = TracerProvider::builder()

Once the ZPagesSpanProcessor installed. It will record spans when they start or end.

Users can then use the TracezQuerier to query the aggregated span information.

A detailed example can also be founded here.


  • Provide wrapper functions to query the aggregated span info.
  • ZPagesSpanProcessor is an alternative to external exporters. It sends span data to zPages server where it will be archive and user can use this information for debug purpose.

