pub unsafe extern "C" fn openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel_command(
    mod_: *mut openmpt_module,
    pattern: i32,
    row: i32,
    channel: i32,
    command: c_int
) -> *const c_char
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\brief Get highlighting information for formatted pattern content

\param mod The module handle to work on. \param pattern The pattern whose data should be retrieved. \param row The row from which the data should be retrieved. \param channel The channel from which the data should be retrieved. \param command The cell index at which the data should be retrieved. See \ref openmpt_module_command_index \return The highlighting string for the formatted pattern data as retrieved by openmpt_module_get_pattern_row_channel_command at the given pattern position. \remarks The returned string will map each character position of the string returned by openmpt_module_get_pattern_row_channel_command to a highlighting instruction. Possible highlighting characters are: - “ “ : empty/space - “.” : empty/dot - “n” : generic note - “m” : special note - “i” : generic instrument - “u” : generic volume column effect - “v” : generic volume column parameter - “e” : generic effect column effect - “f” : generic effect column parameter \sa openmpt_module_get_pattern_row_channel_command