Crate openh264_sys [−] [src]
ISVCDecoderVtbl | |
ISVCEncoderVtbl | |
SFrameBSInfo |
@brief Frame bit stream info |
SLTRConfig |
@brief Structure for LTR configuration |
SLTRMarkingFeedback |
@brief Structure for LTR marking feedback |
SLTRRecoverRequest |
@brief Structure for LTR recover request |
SLayerBSInfo |
@brief Bitstream inforamtion of a layer being encoded |
SRateThresholds |
@brief thresholds of the initial, maximal and minimal rate |
SSliceArgument |
@brief Structure for slice argument |
SSpatialLayerConfig |
@brief Structure for spatial layer configuration |
SVideoProperty |
@brief Define a new struct to show the property of video bitstream. |
SliceInformation |
@brief Information of coded Slice(=NAL)(s) |
Source_Picture_s |
@brief Structure for source picture |
TagBitrateInfo |
@brief Structure for bit rate info |
TagBufferInfo |
@brief Buffer info |
TagDecoderCapability |
@brief The capability of decoder, for SDP negotiation |
TagDeliveryStatus |
@brief Structure for dilivery status |
TagDumpLayer |
@brief Structure for dump layer info |
TagEncParamBase |
@brief SVC Encoding Parameters |
TagEncParamExt |
@brief SVC Encoding Parameters extention |
TagLevelInfo |
@brief Structure for level info in layer |
TagParserBsInfo |
@brief Structure for parse only output |
TagProfileInfo |
@brief Structure for profile info in layer |
TagSVCDecodingParam |
@brief SVC Decoding Parameters, reserved here and potential applicable in the future |
TagSysMemBuffer |
@brief Structure for decoder memery |
TagVideoDecoderStatistics |
@brief Structure for decoder statistics |
TagVideoEncoderStatistics |
@brief Structure for encoder statistics |
TagVuiSarInfo |
@brief Structure for sample aspect ratio (SAR) info in VUI |
_tagVersion |
@brief Struct of OpenH264 version / /// /// E.g. SDK version is, major version number is 1, minor version number is 2, and revision number is 0. |
g_stCodecVersion | |
g_strCodecVer | |
kiKeyNumMultiple |
WelsCreateDecoder⚠ |
@brief Create decoder @param ppDecoder decoder @return 0 - success; otherwise - failed; |
WelsCreateSVCEncoder⚠ |
@brief Create encoder @param ppEncoder encoder @return 0 - success; otherwise - failed; |
WelsDestroyDecoder⚠ |
@brief Destroy decoder @param pDecoder decoder @return void |
WelsDestroySVCEncoder⚠ |
@brief Destroy encoder @param pEncoder encoder @return void |
WelsGetCodecVersion⚠ |
@brief Get codec version Note, old versions of Mingw (GCC < 4.7) are buggy and use an incorrect/different ABI for calling this function, making it incompatible with MSVC builds. @return The linked codec version |
WelsGetCodecVersionEx⚠ |
@brief Get codec version @param pVersion struct to fill in with the version |
WelsGetDecoderCapability⚠ |
@brief Get the capability of decoder @param pDecCapability decoder capability @return 0 - success; otherwise - failed; |
Type Definitions
@brief Enumerate return type |
@brief Option types introduced in decoder application |
@brief Decoding status |
@brief Enumulate the complexity mode |
EColorMatrix |
@brief Enumerate the type of color matrix |
EColorPrimaries |
@brief Enumerate the type of color primaries |
ELevelIdc |
@brief Enumerate the type of level id |
@brief Option types introduced in SVC encoder application |
ENalPriority |
@brief NRI: eNalRefIdc |
ENalUnitType |
@brief Enumulate the nal unit type |
EParameterSetStrategy |
@brief Enumulate for the stategy of SPS/PPS strategy |
EProfileIdc |
@brief Enumerate the type of profile id |
@brief Enumerate the type of error concealment methods |
ESampleAspectRatio |
@brief Enumerate the type of sample aspect ratio |
ETransferCharacteristics |
@brief Enumerate the type of transfer characteristics |
EUsageType |
@brief Encoder usage type |
EVideoFormatSPS |
@brief Enumerate the type of video format |
EVideoFormatType |
@brief Enumerate the type of video format |
EVideoFrameType |
@brief Enumerate video frame type |
@brief Feedback that whether or not have VCL NAL in current AU |
ISVCDecoder | |
ISVCEncoder | |
@brief Enumerate the type of key frame request |
@brief Spatial layer num |
@brief Type of layer being encoded |
OpenH264Version | |
PDecodingParam | |
PEncParamBase | |
PFrameBSInfo | |
PLayerBSInfo | |
PParserBsInfo | |
PRateThresholds | |
PSliceInfo | |
PVuiSarInfo | |
@brief Enumerate the type of rate control mode |
SBitrateInfo | |
SBufferInfo | |
SDecoderCapability | |
SDecoderStatistics | |
SDecodingParam | |
SDeliveryStatus | |
SDumpLayer | |
SEncParamBase | |
SEncParamExt | |
SEncoderStatistics | |
SLevelInfo | |
SParserBsInfo | |
SProfileInfo | |
SSourcePicture | |
SSysMEMBuffer | |
SVuiSarInfo | |
SliceInfo | |
SliceModeEnum |
@brief Enumerate the type of slice mode |
@brief Enumerate the type of video bitstream which is provided to decoder |
WelsTraceCallback | |
_bindgen_ty_1 |
@brief eDeblockingIdc |
_bindgen_ty_2 |
@brief to do |
_bindgen_ty_3 |
@brief Enumerate the type of wels log |
TagBufferInfo__bindgen_ty_1 |