Module opendp::combinators

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Various combinator constructors.




  • Construct the functional composition (measurement1transformation0). Returns a Measurement that when invoked, computes measurement1(transformation0(x)).
  • Construct the functional composition (postprocess1measurement0). Returns a Measurement that when invoked, computes postprocess1(measurement0(x)). Used to represent non-interactive postprocessing.
  • Construct the functional composition (transformation1transformation0). Returns a Measurement that when invoked, computes transformation1(transformation0(x)).
  • Fix the delta parameter in the privacy map of a measurement with a SmoothedMaxDivergence output measure.
  • Construct an amplified measurement from a measurement with privacy amplification by subsampling. This measurement does not perform any sampling. It is useful when you have a dataset on-hand that is a simple random sample from a larger population.
  • Constructs a new output measurement where the output measure is casted from MaxDivergence<QO> to FixedSmoothedMaxDivergence<QO>.
  • Constructs a new output measurement where the output measure is casted from MaxDivergence<QO> to ZeroConcentratedDivergence<QO>.
  • Constructs a new output measurement where the output measure is casted from ZeroConcentratedDivergence<QO> to SmoothedMaxDivergence<QO>.