Module opendp::traits[][src]


Performs multiplication that returns none if overflowing.

Performs subtraction that returns none if overflowing.

A type that can be used as a stability or privacy constant to scale a distance. Encapsulates the necessary traits for the new_from_constant method on relations. Making a relation from a constant has the general form d_out >= QO::distance_cast(d_in) * c (where d_out and c have type QO: DistanceConstant) Computing this needs all of the traits DistanceConstant inherits from:

Fallible casting where the casted value is equal to the original value. Casting fails for any value not between Self::MIN_CONSECUTIVE and Self::MAX_CONSECUTIVE.

Fallible casting where the casted value rounds towards infinity. This preserves the invariant that the casted value is gte the original value. For example, casting a 128_u8 to i8 doesn’t saturate to i8::MAX (127), it errors.

A type that can be used as a measure distance.

A type that can be used as a metric distance.

Performs addition that saturates at the numeric bounds instead of overflowing.