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http_util contains the util types and functions that used across OpenDAL.


This mod is not a part of OpenDAL’s public API. We expose them out to make it easier to develop services and layers outside opendal.


ErrorResponse carries HTTP status code, headers and body.
HttpClient that used across opendal.
IncomingAsyncBody carries the content returned by remote servers.


Body used in async HTTP requests.
Body used in blocking HTTP requests.


Create error happened during building http request.
Create error happened during sending http request.
Create error happened during signing http request.
Create error happened during consuming http response.
Parse content length from header map.
Parse content md5 from header map.
parse_error_response will parse response into ErrorResponse.
Parse etag from header map.
Parse last modified from header map.
percent_encode_path will do percent encoding for http encode path.