Module opencv::imgproc

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Image Processing

This module includes image-processing functions.

Image Filtering

Functions and classes described in this section are used to perform various linear or non-linear filtering operations on 2D images (represented as Mat’s). It means that for each pixel location inline formula in the source image (normally, rectangular), its neighborhood is considered and used to compute the response. In case of a linear filter, it is a weighted sum of pixel values. In case of morphological operations, it is the minimum or maximum values, and so on. The computed response is stored in the destination image at the same location inline formula. It means that the output image will be of the same size as the input image. Normally, the functions support multi-channel arrays, in which case every channel is processed independently. Therefore, the output image will also have the same number of channels as the input one.

Another common feature of the functions and classes described in this section is that, unlike simple arithmetic functions, they need to extrapolate values of some non-existing pixels. For example, if you want to smooth an image using a Gaussian inline formula filter, then, when processing the left-most pixels in each row, you need pixels to the left of them, that is, outside of the image. You can let these pixels be the same as the left-most image pixels (“replicated border” extrapolation method), or assume that all the non-existing pixels are zeros (“constant border” extrapolation method), and so on. OpenCV enables you to specify the extrapolation method. For details, see #BorderTypes

@anchor filter_depths

Depth combinations

Input depth (src.depth())Output depth (ddepth)

Note: when ddepth=-1, the output image will have the same depth as the source.

Note: if you need double floating-point accuracy and using single floating-point input data (CV_32F input and CV_64F output depth combination), you can use [Mat].convertTo to convert the input data to the desired precision.

Geometric Image Transformations

The functions in this section perform various geometrical transformations of 2D images. They do not change the image content but deform the pixel grid and map this deformed grid to the destination image. In fact, to avoid sampling artifacts, the mapping is done in the reverse order, from destination to the source. That is, for each pixel inline formula of the destination image, the functions compute coordinates of the corresponding “donor” pixel in the source image and copy the pixel value:

block formula

In case when you specify the forward mapping inline formula, the OpenCV functions first compute the corresponding inverse mapping inline formula and then use the above formula.

The actual implementations of the geometrical transformations, from the most generic remap and to the simplest and the fastest resize, need to solve two main problems with the above formula:

  • Extrapolation of non-existing pixels. Similarly to the filtering functions described in the previous section, for some inline formula, either one of inline formula, or inline formula, or both of them may fall outside of the image. In this case, an extrapolation method needs to be used. OpenCV provides the same selection of extrapolation methods as in the filtering functions. In addition, it provides the method #BORDER_TRANSPARENT. This means that the corresponding pixels in the destination image will not be modified at all.

  • Interpolation of pixel values. Usually inline formula and inline formula are floating-point numbers. This means that inline formula can be either an affine or perspective transformation, or radial lens distortion correction, and so on. So, a pixel value at fractional coordinates needs to be retrieved. In the simplest case, the coordinates can be just rounded to the nearest integer coordinates and the corresponding pixel can be used. This is called a nearest-neighbor interpolation. However, a better result can be achieved by using more sophisticated interpolation methods , where a polynomial function is fit into some neighborhood of the computed pixel inline formula, and then the value of the polynomial at inline formula is taken as the interpolated pixel value. In OpenCV, you can choose between several interpolation methods. See #resize for details.

Note: The geometrical transformations do not work with CV_8S or CV_32S images.

Miscellaneous Image Transformations

Drawing Functions

Drawing functions work with matrices/images of arbitrary depth. The boundaries of the shapes can be rendered with antialiasing (implemented only for 8-bit images for now). All the functions include the parameter color that uses an RGB value (that may be constructed with the Scalar constructor ) for color images and brightness for grayscale images. For color images, the channel ordering is normally Blue, Green, Red. This is what imshow, imread, and imwrite expect. So, if you form a color using the Scalar constructor, it should look like:

block formula

If you are using your own image rendering and I/O functions, you can use any channel ordering. The drawing functions process each channel independently and do not depend on the channel order or even on the used color space. The whole image can be converted from BGR to RGB or to a different color space using cvtColor .

If a drawn figure is partially or completely outside the image, the drawing functions clip it. Also, many drawing functions can handle pixel coordinates specified with sub-pixel accuracy. This means that the coordinates can be passed as fixed-point numbers encoded as integers. The number of fractional bits is specified by the shift parameter and the real point coordinates are calculated as inline formula . This feature is especially effective when rendering antialiased shapes.

Note: The functions do not support alpha-transparency when the target image is 4-channel. In this case, the color[3] is simply copied to the repainted pixels. Thus, if you want to paint semi-transparent shapes, you can paint them in a separate buffer and then blend it with the main image.

Color Space Conversions

ColorMaps in OpenCV

The human perception isn’t built for observing fine changes in grayscale images. Human eyes are more sensitive to observing changes between colors, so you often need to recolor your grayscale images to get a clue about them. OpenCV now comes with various colormaps to enhance the visualization in your computer vision application.

In OpenCV you only need applyColorMap to apply a colormap on a given image. The following sample code reads the path to an image from command line, applies a Jet colormap on it and shows the result:

@include snippets/imgproc_applyColorMap.cpp

See also


Planar Subdivision

The Subdiv2D class described in this section is used to perform various planar subdivision on a set of 2D points (represented as vector of Point2f). OpenCV subdivides a plane into triangles using the Delaunay’s algorithm, which corresponds to the dual graph of the Voronoi diagram. In the figure below, the Delaunay’s triangulation is marked with black lines and the Voronoi diagram with red lines.

Delaunay triangulation (black) and Voronoi (red)

The subdivisions can be used for the 3D piece-wise transformation of a plane, morphing, fast location of points on the plane, building special graphs (such as NNG,RNG), and so forth.


Structural Analysis and Shape Descriptors

Motion Analysis and Object Tracking

Feature Detection

Object Detection

Image Segmentation


Hardware Acceleration Layer





