Module opencv::stitching

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Images stitching

This figure illustrates the stitching module pipeline implemented in the Stitcher class. Using that class it’s possible to configure/remove some steps, i.e. adjust the stitching pipeline according to the particular needs. All building blocks from the pipeline are available in the detail namespace, one can combine and use them separately.

The implemented stitching pipeline is very similar to the one proposed in BL07 .

stitching pipeline

Camera models

There are currently 2 camera models implemented in stitching pipeline.

  • Homography model expecting perspective transformations between images implemented in [cv::detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher] cv::detail::HomographyBasedEstimator cv::detail::BundleAdjusterReproj cv::detail::BundleAdjusterRay
  • Affine model expecting affine transformation with 6 DOF or 4 DOF implemented in [cv::detail::AffineBestOf2NearestMatcher] cv::detail::AffineBasedEstimator cv::detail::BundleAdjusterAffine cv::detail::BundleAdjusterAffinePartial cv::AffineWarper

Homography model is useful for creating photo panoramas captured by camera, while affine-based model can be used to stitch scans and object captured by specialized devices. Use [cv::Stitcher::create] to get preconfigured pipeline for one of those models.

Note: Certain detailed settings of [cv::Stitcher] might not make sense. Especially you should not mix classes implementing affine model and classes implementing Homography model, as they work with different transformations.

Features Finding and Images Matching

Rotation Estimation


Images Warping

Seam Estimation

Exposure Compensation

Image Blenders





