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silhouette based 3D object tracking

implements “RAPID-a video rate object tracker” harris1990rapid with the dynamic control point extraction of drummond2002real



implements “Global optimal searching for textureless 3D object tracking” wang2015global
implements “Optimal local searching for fast and robust textureless 3D object tracking in highly cluttered backgrounds” seo2013optimal
wrapper around @ref rapid function for uniform access
Abstract base class for stateful silhouette trackers


Collect corresponding 2d and 3d points based on correspondencies and mask
Debug draw markers of matched correspondences onto a lineBundle
Debug draw search lines onto an image
Draw a wireframe of a triangle mesh
Extract control points from the projected silhouette of a mesh
Extract the line bundle from an image
Find corresponding image locations by searching for a maximal sobel edge along the search line (a single row in the bundle)
High level function to execute a single rapid harris1990rapid iteration