[][src]Function opencv::face::load_training_data_2

pub fn load_training_data_2(
    filename: &VectorOfString,
    trainlandmarks: &mut VectorOfVectorOfPoint2f,
    trainimages: &mut VectorOfString
) -> Result<bool>

This function extracts the data for training from .txt files which contains the corresponding image name and landmarks. *The first file in each file should give the path of the image whose *landmarks are being described in the file. Then in the subsequent *lines there should be coordinates of the landmarks in the image *i.e each line should be of the form x,y *where x represents the x coordinate of the landmark and y represents *the y coordinate of the landmark.

*For reference you can see the files as provided in the *HELEN dataset


  • filename: A vector of type cv::String containing name of the .txt files.
  • trainlandmarks: A vector of type cv::Point2f that would store shape or landmarks of all images.
  • trainimages: A vector of type cv::String which stores the name of images whose landmarks are tracked


A boolean value. It returns true when it reads the data successfully and false otherwise