[][src]Function opencv::calib3d::compute_correspond_epilines

pub fn compute_correspond_epilines(
    points: &dyn ToInputArray,
    which_image: i32,
    f: &dyn ToInputArray,
    lines: &mut dyn ToOutputArray
) -> Result<()>

For points in an image of a stereo pair, computes the corresponding epilines in the other image.


  • points: Input points. inline formula or inline formula matrix of type CV_32FC2 or vector<Point2f> .
  • whichImage: Index of the image (1 or 2) that contains the points .
  • F: Fundamental matrix that can be estimated using findFundamentalMat or stereoRectify .
  • lines: Output vector of the epipolar lines corresponding to the points in the other image. Each line inline formula is encoded by 3 numbers inline formula .

For every point in one of the two images of a stereo pair, the function finds the equation of the corresponding epipolar line in the other image.

From the fundamental matrix definition (see findFundamentalMat ), line inline formula in the second image for the point inline formula in the first image (when whichImage=1 ) is computed as:

block formula

And vice versa, when whichImage=2, inline formula is computed from inline formula as:

block formula

Line coefficients are defined up to a scale. They are normalized so that inline formula .