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Provides constants that govern the internal workings of the server implementation.


Default, well known address for TCP discovery server

The default hello timeout period in seconds

Default keep alive count

Default maximum number of monitored items per subscription

Default maximum number of subscriptions in a session

The default size of preallocated vecs of monitored items per subscription

Default OPC UA server port for this implementation

Interval to check for HELLO timeout in millis. This can be fairly coarse because it’s not something that requires huge accuracy.

Maximum browse continuation points

Maximum data change queue allowed by clients on monitored items

Maximum history continuation points

Maximum keep alive count

Maximum number of nodes / references per node manaument operation

Maximum number of nodes in a TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest

Maximum query continuation points

Maximum size in bytes that a request message is allowed to be

Maximum time in MS that a session can be inactive before a timeout

Minimum publishing interval for subscriptions

Minimum sampling interval on monitored items

The polling interval in millis on subscriptions and monitored items. The more fine-grained this is, the more often subscriptions will be checked for changes. The minimum publish interval cannot be less than this.