[][src]Function onednn_sys::dnnl_primitive_execute

pub unsafe extern "C" fn dnnl_primitive_execute(
    primitive: const_dnnl_primitive_t,
    stream: dnnl_stream_t,
    nargs: c_int,
    args: *const dnnl_exec_arg_t
) -> dnnl_status_t

Executes a primitive.

@param primitive Primitive to execute. @param stream Stream to use. @param nargs Number of arguments. @param args Array of arguments. Each argument is an <index, #dnnl_memory_t> pair. The index is one of the DNNL_ARG_* values such as DNNL_ARG_SRC. Unless runtime shapes are used (see #DNNL_RUNTIME_DIM_VAL), the memory object must have the same memory descriptor as that returned by #dnnl_primitive_desc_query_md(#dnnl_query_exec_arg_md, index). @returns #dnnl_success on success and a status describing the error otherwise.