[][src]Function onednn_sys::dnnl_memory_desc_permute_axes

pub unsafe extern "C" fn dnnl_memory_desc_permute_axes(
    out_memory_desc: *mut dnnl_memory_desc_t,
    in_memory_desc: *const dnnl_memory_desc_t,
    permutation: *const c_int
) -> dnnl_status_t

Initializes a memory descriptor by permuting axes in an existing one.

The physical memory layout representation is adjusted accordingly to maintain the consistency between the logical and physical parts of the memory descriptor.

The new memory descriptor inherits the data type. This operation is valid only for memory descriptors that have format_kind set to #dnnl_blocked or #dnnl_format_kind_any.

The logical axes will be permuted in the following manner:

for (i: 0 .. in_memory_desc->ndims)
    out_memory_desc->dims[permutation[i]] = in_memory_desc->dims[i];

Example: @code dnnl_memory_desc_t in_md, out_md, expect_out_md;

const int permutation[] = {1, 0}; // swap the first and the second axes

dnnl_dims_t in_dims = {2, 3}, out_dims = {3, 2};
dnnl_format_tag_t in_tag = dnnl_ab, out_tag = dnnl_ba;

        &in_md, 2, in_dims, data_type, in_tag);
        &expect_out_md, 2, out_dims, data_type, out_tag);

dnnl_memory_desc_permute_axes(&out_md, in_md, permutation);
assert(dnnl_memory_desc_equal(&out_md, &expect_out_md));


@param out_memory_desc Output memory descriptor. @param in_memory_desc An existing memory descriptor. Must have format_kind set to #dnnl_blocked or #dnnl_format_kind_any. @param permutation Axes permutation (of size in_memory_desc->ndims). @returns #dnnl_success on success and a status describing the error otherwise.