pub use mongodb;
- Semi-important background task management
- Appended Information
- Bot
- Bot information for if the user is a bot
- Channel category
- Composite primary key consisting of channel and user id
- Channel Unread
- Just a string ID struct
- Emoji
- File
- Information to guide interactions on this message
- Name and / or avatar override information
- Server Member
- Composite primary key consisting of server and user id
- Message
- Message Filter
- Message Query
- Document representing migration information
- MongoDB implementation
- Ratelimit Event
- Reference implementation
- Relationship entry indicating current status with other user
- Role
- Server
- Server Ban
- System message channel assignments
- User
- User’s profile
- User’s active status
- Webhook
- Database
- Database information to use to create a client
- Parent Id of the emoji
- Optional fields on bot object
- Optional fields on channel object
- Optional fields on server member object
- Optional fields on server object
- Optional fields on server object
- Optional fields on user object
- Optional fields on webhook object
- Invite
- Message Time Period
- Metadata associated with a file
- Presence status
- Event type
- User’s relationship with another user (or themselves)
- Member removal intention
- System Event
- Utility function to check if a boolean value is false
- Prefix keys on an arbitrary object