Module inquire::autocompletion

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Trait and structs used by prompts to provide autocompletion features.

Autocompleters receive the user input to a given prompt and may return a list of suggestions, selectable by the user as an option to be completed.

When the user presses the autocompletion hotkey (tab by default) the autocompleter receives the current text input and the currently highlighted selection, if any. Then the developer may return a Replacement action where the current user text input is replaced or not by a provided string.

Check the example files to see some usages, recommended are and


  • Empty struct and implementation of Autocomplete trait. Used for the default autocompleter of Text prompts.


  • Mechanism to implement autocompletion features for text inputs. The Autocomplete trait has two provided methods: get_suggestions and get_completion.

Type Definitions

  • Used when an autocompletion is triggered for the user’s text input.