[][src]Crate oi

oi provides a location-annotated error type so you can display useful error messages to your users.

Error messages without location information are often not actionable, especially when they come from a complex program with many potential sources of errors.

Compare an unannotated error:

$ foo
No such file or directory (os error 2)

…with an annotated error:

$ foo
Configuration.toml: No such file or directory (os error 2)

oi is named after the exclamation, as in Oi! Oi! Oi!. Imagine alerting your users to the location of errors: "Oi! is unreachable!"


This crate provides an Error type that wraps an error and location, a Location trait for error locations, an ErrAt trait that extends Result with an err_at method to annotate err values with locations, and a Result<T, E, L> type as an alias for the more cumbersome Result<T, Error<E, L>>:

pub struct Error<E: Fail, L: Location> {
  pub error: E,
  pub location: L,

pub trait Location: Debug + Send + Sync + 'static {
  fn fmt_error(&self, f: &mut Formatter, error: &dyn Fail) -> fmt::Result;

pub trait ErrAt<T, E: Fail> {
  fn err_at<L: Location, I: Into<L>>(self, location: I) -> Result<T, Error<E, L>>;

pub type Result<T, E, L> = std::result::Result<T, Error<E, L>>;

Location is implemented for PathBuf and SocketAddr, and can easily be implemented for custom location types. The one required method, fmt_error, gives custom types control over how an error-annotated location will be rendered to an error message.



Location-annotated io::Error with a user-friendly Display implementation



Location that an Error can occur

Type Definitions


Location-annotated Result