initSidebarItems({"enum":[["ColorAttachmentType",""],["GLFeature",""]],"struct":[["DrawBuffer","This structure represents an offscreen context draw buffer. It has a framebuffer, with at least color renderbuffer (alpha or not). It may also have a depth or stencil buffer, depending on context requirements."],["GLContext","This is a wrapper over a native headless GL context"],["GLContextAttributes","This structure represents the attributes the context must support It's almost (if not) identical to WebGLGLContextAttributes"],["GLContextCapabilities","This is a cross-platform struct, that every GLContext implementation should have under the field `capabilities`, as a public field This should allow us to know the capabilities of a given GLContext without repeating the same code over and over"],["GLFormats","This structure is here to allow cross-platform formatting"],["GLLimits",""],["NativeGLContext",""],["NativeGLContextHandle",""]],"trait":[["NativeGLContextMethods",""]]});