[][src]Attribute Macro odata_client::odata_client


Procedural macro to generate OData entity model types within a module.

N.B The value of generating code for an API substantially lies in the access to autocomplete functionality, and/or the ability to browse the API's endpoints & types. Currently, rust-analyzer's support for these features with code from procedural macros is limited.

A more productive development experience may be had by writing generated code to a file, instead of using this proc macro attribute. This can be done with the write_module_build_artifact function. This function additionally supports customisation of the generated code to some extent.

The proc macro attribute should be placed on an empty module:

#[odata_client(service_url = "https://example.ru/odata_api/")]
mod my_entity_model {}

(The mod my_entity_model; syntax, with a semicolon, can be used in nightly with #![feature(proc_macro_hygiene)].)

With just the service_url argument, the OData API's $metadata document will be fetch during build. This document can instead be set from a local file using the metadata_filepath argument, or inline metadata XML can be set using the metadata_xml argument. In either case, the service_url argument is still required:

    service_url = "https://example.ru/odata_api/",
    metadata_filepath = "metadata.xml"
mod entity_model_document_file {}

    service_url = "https://example.ru/odata_api/",
    metadata_xml = r#"
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <edmx:Edmx Version="4.0"
                <Schema Namespace="My.Entity.Model"
mod entity_model_inline_document {}