Struct octorust::issues::Issues[][src]

pub struct Issues { /* fields omitted */ }


List issues assigned to the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /issues endpoint.

List issues assigned to the authenticated user across all visible repositories including owned repositories, member repositories, and organization repositories. You can use the filter query parameter to fetch issues that are not necessarily assigned to you.

Note: GitHub’s REST API v3 considers every pull request an issue, but not every issue is a pull request. For this reason, “Issues” endpoints may return both issues and pull requests in the response. You can identify pull requests by the pull_request key. Be aware that the id of a pull request returned from “Issues” endpoints will be an issue id. To find out the pull request id, use the “List pull requests” endpoint.



  • filter: crate::types::Filter – Indicates which sorts of issues to return. Can be one of:
    \* assigned: Issues assigned to you
    \* created: Issues created by you
    \* mentioned: Issues mentioning you
    \* subscribed: Issues you’re subscribed to updates for
    \* all: All issues the authenticated user can see, regardless of participation or creation.
  • state: crate::types::IssuesListState – Indicates the state of the issues to return. Can be either open, closed, or all.
  • labels: &str – A list of comma separated label names. Example: bug,ui,@high.
  • sort: crate::types::IssuesListSort – What to sort results by. Can be either created, updated, comments.
  • direction: crate::types::Direction – One of asc (ascending) or desc (descending).
  • since: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc> – Only show notifications updated after the given time. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
  • collab: bool
  • orgs: bool
  • owned: bool
  • pulls: bool
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List issues assigned to the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /issues endpoint.

As opposed to list, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

List issues assigned to the authenticated user across all visible repositories including owned repositories, member repositories, and organization repositories. You can use the filter query parameter to fetch issues that are not necessarily assigned to you.

Note: GitHub’s REST API v3 considers every pull request an issue, but not every issue is a pull request. For this reason, “Issues” endpoints may return both issues and pull requests in the response. You can identify pull requests by the pull_request key. Be aware that the id of a pull request returned from “Issues” endpoints will be an issue id. To find out the pull request id, use the “List pull requests” endpoint.


List organization issues assigned to the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/issues endpoint.

List issues in an organization assigned to the authenticated user.

Note: GitHub’s REST API v3 considers every pull request an issue, but not every issue is a pull request. For this reason, “Issues” endpoints may return both issues and pull requests in the response. You can identify pull requests by the pull_request key. Be aware that the id of a pull request returned from “Issues” endpoints will be an issue id. To find out the pull request id, use the “List pull requests” endpoint.



  • org: &str
  • filter: crate::types::Filter – Indicates which sorts of issues to return. Can be one of:
    \* assigned: Issues assigned to you
    \* created: Issues created by you
    \* mentioned: Issues mentioning you
    \* subscribed: Issues you’re subscribed to updates for
    \* all: All issues the authenticated user can see, regardless of participation or creation.
  • state: crate::types::IssuesListState – Indicates the state of the issues to return. Can be either open, closed, or all.
  • labels: &str – A list of comma separated label names. Example: bug,ui,@high.
  • sort: crate::types::IssuesListSort – What to sort results by. Can be either created, updated, comments.
  • direction: crate::types::Direction – One of asc (ascending) or desc (descending).
  • since: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc> – Only show notifications updated after the given time. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List organization issues assigned to the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /orgs/{org}/issues endpoint.

As opposed to list_for_org, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

List issues in an organization assigned to the authenticated user.

Note: GitHub’s REST API v3 considers every pull request an issue, but not every issue is a pull request. For this reason, “Issues” endpoints may return both issues and pull requests in the response. You can identify pull requests by the pull_request key. Be aware that the id of a pull request returned from “Issues” endpoints will be an issue id. To find out the pull request id, use the “List pull requests” endpoint.


List assignees.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/assignees endpoint.

Lists the available assignees for issues in a repository.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List assignees.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/assignees endpoint.

As opposed to list_assignees, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Lists the available assignees for issues in a repository.


Check if a user can be assigned.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/assignees/{assignee} endpoint.

Checks if a user has permission to be assigned to an issue in this repository.

If the assignee can be assigned to issues in the repository, a 204 header with no content is returned.

Otherwise a 404 status code is returned.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • assignee: &str

List repository issues.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues endpoint.

List issues in a repository.

Note: GitHub’s REST API v3 considers every pull request an issue, but not every issue is a pull request. For this reason, “Issues” endpoints may return both issues and pull requests in the response. You can identify pull requests by the pull_request key. Be aware that the id of a pull request returned from “Issues” endpoints will be an issue id. To find out the pull request id, use the “List pull requests” endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • milestone: &str – If an integer is passed, it should refer to a milestone by its number field. If the string \* is passed, issues with any milestone are accepted. If the string none is passed, issues without milestones are returned.
  • state: crate::types::IssuesListState – Indicates the state of the issues to return. Can be either open, closed, or all.
  • assignee: &str – Can be the name of a user. Pass in none for issues with no assigned user, and \* for issues assigned to any user.
  • creator: &str – The user that created the issue.
  • mentioned: &str – A user that’s mentioned in the issue.
  • labels: &str – A list of comma separated label names. Example: bug,ui,@high.
  • sort: crate::types::IssuesListSort – What to sort results by. Can be either created, updated, comments.
  • direction: crate::types::Direction – One of asc (ascending) or desc (descending).
  • since: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc> – Only show notifications updated after the given time. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List repository issues.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues endpoint.

As opposed to list_for_repo, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

List issues in a repository.

Note: GitHub’s REST API v3 considers every pull request an issue, but not every issue is a pull request. For this reason, “Issues” endpoints may return both issues and pull requests in the response. You can identify pull requests by the pull_request key. Be aware that the id of a pull request returned from “Issues” endpoints will be an issue id. To find out the pull request id, use the “List pull requests” endpoint.


Create an issue.

This function performs a POST to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues endpoint.

Any user with pull access to a repository can create an issue. If issues are disabled in the repository, the API returns a 410 Gone status.

This endpoint triggers notifications. Creating content too quickly using this endpoint may result in abuse rate limiting. See “Abuse rate limits” and “Dealing with abuse rate limits” for details.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str

List issue comments for a repository.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments endpoint.

By default, Issue Comments are ordered by ascending ID.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • sort: crate::types::Sort – One of created (when the repository was starred) or updated (when it was last pushed to).
  • direction: crate::types::Direction – Either asc or desc. Ignored without the sort parameter.
  • since: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc> – Only show notifications updated after the given time. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List issue comments for a repository.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments endpoint.

As opposed to list_comments_for_repo, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

By default, Issue Comments are ordered by ascending ID.


Get an issue comment.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments/{comment_id} endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • comment_id: i64 – comment_id parameter.

Delete an issue comment.

This function performs a DELETE to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments/{comment_id} endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • comment_id: i64 – comment_id parameter.

Update an issue comment.

This function performs a PATCH to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments/{comment_id} endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • comment_id: i64 – comment_id parameter.

List issue events for a repository.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/events endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List issue events for a repository.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/events endpoint.

As opposed to list_events_for_repo, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.


Get an issue event.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/events/{event_id} endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • event_id: i64

Get an issue.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number} endpoint.

The API returns a 301 Moved Permanently status if the issue was transferred to another repository. If the issue was transferred to or deleted from a repository where the authenticated user lacks read access, the API returns a 404 Not Found status. If the issue was deleted from a repository where the authenticated user has read access, the API returns a 410 Gone status. To receive webhook events for transferred and deleted issues, subscribe to the issues webhook.

Note: GitHub’s REST API v3 considers every pull request an issue, but not every issue is a pull request. For this reason, “Issues” endpoints may return both issues and pull requests in the response. You can identify pull requests by the pull_request key. Be aware that the id of a pull request returned from “Issues” endpoints will be an issue id. To find out the pull request id, use the “List pull requests” endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.

Update an issue.

This function performs a PATCH to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number} endpoint.

Issue owners and users with push access can edit an issue.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.

Add assignees to an issue.

This function performs a POST to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/assignees endpoint.

Adds up to 10 assignees to an issue. Users already assigned to an issue are not replaced.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.

Remove assignees from an issue.

This function performs a DELETE to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/assignees endpoint.

Removes one or more assignees from an issue.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.

List issue comments.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/comments endpoint.

Issue Comments are ordered by ascending ID.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.
  • since: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc> – Only show notifications updated after the given time. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List issue comments.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/comments endpoint.

As opposed to list_comments, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

Issue Comments are ordered by ascending ID.


Create an issue comment.

This function performs a POST to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/comments endpoint.

This endpoint triggers notifications. Creating content too quickly using this endpoint may result in abuse rate limiting. See “Abuse rate limits” and “Dealing with abuse rate limits” for details.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.

List issue events.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/events endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List issue events.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/events endpoint.

As opposed to list_events, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.


List labels for an issue.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/labels endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List labels for an issue.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/labels endpoint.

As opposed to list_labels_on_issue, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.


Set labels for an issue.

This function performs a PUT to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/labels endpoint.

Removes any previous labels and sets the new labels for an issue.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.

Add labels to an issue.

This function performs a POST to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/labels endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.

Remove all labels from an issue.

This function performs a DELETE to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/labels endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.

Remove a label from an issue.

This function performs a DELETE to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/labels/{name} endpoint.

Removes the specified label from the issue, and returns the remaining labels on the issue. This endpoint returns a 404 Not Found status if the label does not exist.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.
  • name: &str

Lock an issue.

This function performs a PUT to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/lock endpoint.

Users with push access can lock an issue or pull request’s conversation.

Note that, if you choose not to pass any parameters, you’ll need to set Content-Length to zero when calling out to this endpoint. For more information, see “HTTP verbs.”



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.

Unlock an issue.

This function performs a DELETE to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/lock endpoint.

Users with push access can unlock an issue’s conversation.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.

List timeline events for an issue.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/timeline endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • issue_number: i64 – issue_number parameter.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List timeline events for an issue.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{issue_number}/timeline endpoint.

As opposed to list_events_for_timeline, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.


List labels for a repository.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/labels endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List labels for a repository.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/labels endpoint.

As opposed to list_labels_for_repo, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.


Create a label.

This function performs a POST to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/labels endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str

Get a label.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/labels/{name} endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • name: &str

Delete a label.

This function performs a DELETE to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/labels/{name} endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • name: &str

Update a label.

This function performs a PATCH to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/labels/{name} endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • name: &str

List milestones.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • state: crate::types::IssuesListState – The state of the milestone. Either open, closed, or all.
  • sort: crate::types::IssuesListMilestonesSort – What to sort results by. Either due_on or completeness.
  • direction: crate::types::Direction – The direction of the sort. Either asc or desc.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List milestones.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones endpoint.

As opposed to list_milestones, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.


Create a milestone.

This function performs a POST to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str

Get a milestone.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones/{milestone_number} endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • milestone_number: i64 – milestone_number parameter.

Delete a milestone.

This function performs a DELETE to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones/{milestone_number} endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • milestone_number: i64 – milestone_number parameter.

Update a milestone.

This function performs a PATCH to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones/{milestone_number} endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • milestone_number: i64 – milestone_number parameter.

List labels for issues in a milestone.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones/{milestone_number}/labels endpoint.



  • owner: &str
  • repo: &str
  • milestone_number: i64 – milestone_number parameter.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List labels for issues in a milestone.

This function performs a GET to the /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones/{milestone_number}/labels endpoint.

As opposed to list_labels_for_milestone, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.


List user account issues assigned to the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/issues endpoint.

List issues across owned and member repositories assigned to the authenticated user.

Note: GitHub’s REST API v3 considers every pull request an issue, but not every issue is a pull request. For this reason, “Issues” endpoints may return both issues and pull requests in the response. You can identify pull requests by the pull_request key. Be aware that the id of a pull request returned from “Issues” endpoints will be an issue id. To find out the pull request id, use the “List pull requests” endpoint.



  • filter: crate::types::Filter – Indicates which sorts of issues to return. Can be one of:
    \* assigned: Issues assigned to you
    \* created: Issues created by you
    \* mentioned: Issues mentioning you
    \* subscribed: Issues you’re subscribed to updates for
    \* all: All issues the authenticated user can see, regardless of participation or creation.
  • state: crate::types::IssuesListState – Indicates the state of the issues to return. Can be either open, closed, or all.
  • labels: &str – A list of comma separated label names. Example: bug,ui,@high.
  • sort: crate::types::IssuesListSort – What to sort results by. Can be either created, updated, comments.
  • direction: crate::types::Direction – One of asc (ascending) or desc (descending).
  • since: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc> – Only show notifications updated after the given time. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
  • per_page: i64 – Results per page (max 100).
  • page: i64 – Page number of the results to fetch.

List user account issues assigned to the authenticated user.

This function performs a GET to the /user/issues endpoint.

As opposed to list_for_authenticated_user, this function returns all the pages of the request at once.

List issues across owned and member repositories assigned to the authenticated user.

Note: GitHub’s REST API v3 considers every pull request an issue, but not every issue is a pull request. For this reason, “Issues” endpoints may return both issues and pull requests in the response. You can identify pull requests by the pull_request key. Be aware that the id of a pull request returned from “Issues” endpoints will be an issue id. To find out the pull request id, use the “List pull requests” endpoint.


Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.