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Access control


Allows message that are allowed buy both AccessControls
An Access Control type that allows all messages to pass through.
An Access Control type that allows messages to the given onward address to go through Note that onward and destination addresses are different in some cases
An Access Control type that allows messages to the given onward address to go through Note that onward and destination addresses are different in some cases
An Access Control type that allows messages from the given source address to go through Note that it’s based on source address, not a first hop of return_route, which may be different in some scenarios
An Access Control type that allows messages from the given source addresses to go through Note that it’s based on source address, not a first hop of return_route, which may be different in some scenarios
Allows message that are allowed buy either AccessControls
An Access Control type that blocks all messages from passing through.
Allows only messages to local workers
Allows only messages that originate from this node


Defines the interface for incoming message flow authorization.
Defines the interface for outgoing message flow authorization.