Macro objc2::extern_class

source ·
macro_rules! extern_class {
        $v:vis struct $name:ident;

        unsafe impl ClassType for $for:ty {
            type Super = $superclass:ty;
            type Mutability = $mutability:ty;

            $(const NAME: &'static str = $name_const:expr;)?
    ) => { ... };
        $v:vis struct $name:ident {
            $($field_vis:vis $field:ident: $field_ty:ty,)*

        unsafe impl ClassType for $for:ty {
            type Super = $superclass:ty;
            type Mutability = $mutability:ty;

            $(const NAME: &'static str = $name_const:expr;)?
    ) => { ... };
Expand description

Create a new type to represent a class.

This is similar to an @interface declaration in Objective-C.

It is useful for things like icrate, which needs to create interfaces to existing, externally defined classes like NSString, NSURL and so on, but can also be useful for users that have custom classes written in Objective-C that they want to access from Rust.


The syntax is similar enough to Rust syntax that if you invoke the macro with parentheses (as opposed to curly brackets), rustfmt will be able to format the contents (so e.g. as extern_class!( ... );).

The macro creates an opaque struct containing the superclass (which means that auto traits are inherited from the superclass), and implements the following traits for it to allow easier usage as an Objective-C object:

The macro allows specifying zero-sized fields like PhantomData on the struct.

You can add most attributes to the class, including #[cfg(...)], #[derive(...)] and doc comments (but not ABI-modifying attributes like #[repr(...)]).

ClassType implementation

The syntax of this macro neatly documents that it implements the ClassType trait for you, though to do so you need to provide it the following:

  • The Super class.

    Due to Rust trait limitations, specifying e.g. the superclass NSData would not give you the ability to convert via. AsRef to NSObject. Therefore, you may optionally specify additional parts of the inheritance chain using an #[inherits(...)] attribute.

  • The class’ Mutability.

  • Optionally, the class’ NAME - if not specified, this will default to the struct name.

You may add #[cfg(...)] attributes to the ClassType impl, and then it will work as expected. No other attributes are supported.


This macro implements the three unsafe traits RefEncode, Message and ClassType for you, and while it can ensure most of the required properties in those, it cannot ensure all of them.

In particular, when writing unsafe on impl ClassType, you must ensure that:

  1. ClassType::Super is correct.

  2. ClassType::Mutability is correct.

    See ClassType’s safety section for further details on what this entails.


Create a new type to represent the NSFormatter class (for demonstration, icrate::Foundation::NSFormatter exist for exactly this purpose).

use icrate::Foundation::{NSCoding, NSCopying, NSObjectProtocol};
use objc2::rc::Id;
use objc2::runtime::NSObject;
use objc2::{extern_class, msg_send_id, mutability, ClassType};

    /// An example description.
    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] // Uses the superclass' implementation
    // Specify the class and struct name to be used
    pub struct NSFormatter;

    // Specify the superclass, in this case `NSObject`
    unsafe impl ClassType for NSFormatter {
        type Super = NSObject;
        type Mutability = mutability::InteriorMutable;
        // Optionally, specify the name of the class, if it differs from
        // the struct name.
        // const NAME: &'static str = "NSFormatter";

// Note: We have to specify the protocols for the superclasses as well,
// since Rust doesn't do inheritance.
unsafe impl NSObjectProtocol for NSFormatter {}
unsafe impl NSCopying for NSFormatter {}
unsafe impl NSCoding for NSFormatter {}

fn main() {
    // Provided by the implementation of `ClassType`
    let cls = NSFormatter::class();

    // `NSFormatter` implements `Message`:
    let obj: Id<NSFormatter> = unsafe { msg_send_id![cls, new] };

Represent the NSDateFormatter class, using the NSFormatter type we declared previously to specify as its superclass.

use icrate::Foundation::{NSCoding, NSCopying, NSObjectProtocol};
use objc2::runtime::NSObject;
use objc2::{extern_class, mutability, ClassType};

    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    pub struct NSDateFormatter;

    unsafe impl ClassType for NSDateFormatter {
        // Specify the correct inheritance chain
        type Super = NSFormatter;
        type Mutability = mutability::InteriorMutable;

// Similarly, we can specify the protocols that this implements here:
unsafe impl NSObjectProtocol for NSFormatter {}
unsafe impl NSCopying for NSDateFormatter {}
unsafe impl NSCoding for NSDateFormatter {}

See the source code of icrate for many more examples.