macro_rules! extern_class {
        $v:vis struct $name:ident;

        unsafe impl ClassType for $for:ty {
            type Super = $superclass:ty;
    ) => { ... };
        $v:vis struct $name:ident {
            $($field_vis:vis $field:ident: $field_ty:ty,)*

        unsafe impl ClassType for $for:ty {
            type Super = $superclass:ty;
    ) => { ... };
Expand description

Create a new type to represent an Objective-C class.

This is similar to an @interface declaration in Objective-C.

The given struct name should correspond to a valid Objective-C class, whose instances have the encoding Encoding::Object. (as an example: NSAutoreleasePool does not have this!)

You must specify the superclass of this class, similar to how you would in Objective-C.

Due to Rust trait limitations, specifying e.g. the superclass NSData would not give you easy access to NSObject’s functionality. Therefore, you may specify additional parts of the inheritance chain using the #[inherits(...)] attribute.


The syntax is similar enough to Rust syntax that if you invoke the macro with parentheses (as opposed to curly brackets), rustfmt will be able to format the contents.

This creates an opaque struct containing the superclass (which means that auto traits are inherited from the superclass), and implements the following traits for it to allow easier usage as an Objective-C object:

The macro allows specifying fields on the struct, but only zero-sized types like PhantomData and declare::Ivar are allowed here!


The specified superclass must be correct. The object must also respond to standard memory management messages (this is upheld if NSObject is part of its inheritance chain).


Create a new type to represent the NSFormatter class.

use objc2::foundation::NSObject;
use objc2::rc::{Id, Shared};
use objc2::{ClassType, extern_class, msg_send_id};

    /// An example description.
    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] // Uses the superclass' implementation
    // Specify the class and struct name to be used
    pub struct NSFormatter;

    // Specify the superclass, in this case `NSObject`
    unsafe impl ClassType for NSFormatter {
        type Super = NSObject;

// Provided by the implementation of `ClassType`
let cls = NSFormatter::class();

// `NSFormatter` implements `Message`:
let obj: Id<NSFormatter, Shared> = unsafe { msg_send_id![cls, new] };

Represent the NSDateFormatter class, using the NSFormatter type we declared previously to specify as its superclass.

use objc2::foundation::NSObject;
use objc2::{extern_class, ClassType};

    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    pub struct NSDateFormatter;

    unsafe impl ClassType for NSDateFormatter {
        // Specify the correct inheritance chain
        type Super = NSFormatter;

See the source code of objc2::foundation in general for more examples.