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§Bindings to the PhotoKit
See Apple’s docs and the general docs on framework crates for more information.
This actually lives in the Photos
framework, but PhotoKit
is the name
that people use to refer to it.
- PHAccess
Level PHPhotoLibrary
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAdjustment
Data PHAdjustmentData
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Burst Selection Type PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Change Request PHAssetChangeRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Collection PHCollection
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Collection Change Request PHAssetCollectionChangeRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Collection Subtype PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Collection Type PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Creation Request PHAssetChangeRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Edit Operation PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Media Subtype PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Media Type PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Playback Style PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Resource PHAssetResource
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Resource Creation Options PHAssetCreationRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Resource Manager PHAssetResourceManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Resource Request Options PHAssetResourceManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Resource Type PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Source Type PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAuthorization
Status PHPhotoLibrary
- Apple’s documentation
- PHCaching
Image Manager PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHChange
- Apple’s documentation
- PHChange
Request PHChangeRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- PHCloud
Identifier PHCloudIdentifier
- Apple’s documentation
- PHCloud
Identifier Mapping PHCloudIdentifier
- Contains the cloud identifier result from looking up a local identifier via
or anerror
indicating why the lookup failed - PHCollection
- Apple’s documentation
- PHCollection
Edit Operation PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHCollection
List PHCollection
- Apple’s documentation
- PHCollection
List Change Request PHChangeRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- PHCollection
List Subtype PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHCollection
List Type PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHContent
Editing Input PHContentEditingInput
- Apple’s documentation
- PHContent
Editing Input Request Options PHAssetChangeRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- PHContent
Editing Output PHContentEditingOutput
- Apple’s documentation
- PHFetch
Options PHFetchOptions
- Apple’s documentation
- PHFetch
Result PHFetchResult
- Apple’s documentation
- PHFetch
Result Change Details PHChange
- Apple’s documentation
- PHImage
Content Mode PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHImage
Manager PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHImage
Request Options PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHImage
Request Options Delivery Mode PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHImage
Request Options Resize Mode PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHImage
Request Options Version PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHLive
Photo PHLivePhoto
- Apple’s documentation
- PHLive
Photo Editing Context PHLivePhotoEditingContext
- Apple’s documentation
- PHLive
Photo Editing Error Code PHLivePhotoEditingContext
- Error code for Live Photo Editing errors (Deprecated)
- PHLive
Photo Frame Type PHLivePhotoEditingContext
- The type of frame in the Live Photo
- PHLive
Photo Request Options PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHLocal
Identifier Mapping PHCloudIdentifier
- Contains the local identifier result from looking up a cloud identifier via
or anerror
indicating why the lookup failed - PHObject
- Apple’s documentation
- PHObject
Change Details PHChange
- Apple’s documentation
- PHObject
Placeholder PHObject
- Apple’s documentation
- PHObject
Type PhotosTypes
- Apple’s documentation
- PHPersistent
Change PHPersistentChange
- Apple’s documentation
- PHPersistent
Change Fetch Result PHPersistentChangeFetchResult
- Apple’s documentation
- PHPersistent
Change Token PHPersistentChangeToken
- Apple’s documentation
- PHPersistent
Object Change Details PHPersistentObjectChangeDetails
- Apple’s documentation
- PHPhoto
Library PHPhotoLibrary
- Apple’s documentation
- PHPhotos
Error PHError
- Apple’s documentation
- PHProject
- Apple’s documentation
- PHProject
Change Request PHChangeRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- PHVideo
Request Options PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHVideo
Request Options Delivery Mode PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHVideo
Request Options Version PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHContent
Editing ⚠Input Cancelled Key PHAssetChangeRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- PHContent
Editing ⚠Input Error Key PHAssetChangeRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- PHContent
Editing ⚠Input Result IsIn Cloud Key PHAssetChangeRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- PHImage
Cancelled ⚠Key PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHImage
Error ⚠Key PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHImage
Manager ⚠Maximum Size PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHImage
Result ⚠IsDegraded Key PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHImage
Result ⚠IsIn Cloud Key PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHImage
Result ⚠RequestID Key PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHInvalid
Asset Resource Data RequestID PHAssetResourceManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHInvalid
Image RequestID PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHLive
Photo ⚠Editing Error Domain PHLivePhotoEditingContext
- The error domain for all Live Photo Editing errors (Deprecated).
- PHLive
Photo ⚠Info Cancelled Key PHLivePhoto
- Apple’s documentation
- PHLive
Photo ⚠Info Error Key PHLivePhoto
- These keys may be found in the info dictionary delivered to a live photo request result handler block.
- PHLive
Photo ⚠Info IsDegraded Key PHLivePhoto
- Apple’s documentation
- PHLive
Photo RequestID Invalid PHLivePhoto
- Apple’s documentation
- PHLive
Photo ⚠Should Render AtPlayback Time PHLivePhotoEditingContext
- Indicates whether processing should happen at playback time If set to NO (the default) the live photo will always be rendered before playback If set to YES, the editing context might still choose to render first for performance reasons This option is ignored by the saveLivePhotoToOutput method
- PHLocal
Identifier ⚠NotFound PHCloudIdentifier
- DEPRECATED: If the local object cannot be resolved from a global identifier, PHLocalIdentifierNotFound is provided in that array slot.
- PHLocal
Identifiers ⚠Error Key PHError
- Array of NSString values representing local identifiers related to the specific error
- PHPhotos
Error ⚠Domain PHError
- Apple’s documentation
- PHLive
Photo Frame PHLivePhotoEditingContext
- Protocol that describes a single frame of a live photo
- PHPhoto
Library Availability Observer PHPhotoLibrary
- Apple’s documentation
- PHPhoto
Library Change Observer PHPhotoLibrary
- Apple’s documentation
Type Aliases§
- PHAsset
Image Progress Handler PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Resource Data RequestID PHAssetResourceManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Resource Progress Handler PHAssetResourceManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHAsset
Video Progress Handler PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHContent
Editing Input RequestID PHAssetChangeRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- PHImage
RequestID PHImageManager
- Apple’s documentation
- PHLive
Photo Editing Option PHLivePhotoEditingContext
- Apple’s documentation
- PHLive
Photo Frame Processing Block PHLivePhotoEditingContext
- A block callback for processing frames of a live photo, including the still image
- PHLive
Photo RequestID PHLivePhoto
- Apple’s documentation