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§Bindings to the HealthKit
See Apple’s docs and the general docs on framework crates for more information.
- HKActivity
Move Mode HKCharacteristicValues
- This enumerated type is used to represent the activity mode for the user’s move ring.
- HKActivity
Move Mode Object HKCharacteristicObjects
- A wrapper object for HKActivityMoveMode enumeration.
- HKActivity
Summary HKActivitySummary
- An object that represents a summary of a user’s activity for a given day.
- HKActivity
Summary Query HKActivitySummaryQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKActivity
Summary Type HKObjectType
- Represents an HKActivitySummary
- HKAnchored
Object Query HKAnchoredObjectQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKAppleECG
Algorithm Version HKMetadata
- Indicates which algorithm version number was used by the ECG app on Apple Watch.
- HKApple
Sleeping Breathing Disturbances Classification HKAppleSleepingBreathingDisturbancesClassification
- This enumerated type is used to represent a classification of the user’s breathing disturbances
- HKApple
Walking Steadiness Classification HKAppleWalkingSteadinessClassification
- This enumerated type is used to represent the classification for the user’s walking steadiness.
- HKAttachment
- An HKAttachment represents a file attachment stored in the HealthKit database.
- HKAttachment
Store HKAttachmentStore
- The HKAttachmentStore class provides an interface for accessing and storing HKAttachment objects.
- HKAudiogram
Conduction Type HKAudiogramSensitivityTest
- Represents the conduction type used for an HKAudiogramSensitivityTest
- HKAudiogram
Sample HKAudiogramSample
- A sample object representing the results of a standard hearing test.
- HKAudiogram
Sample Type HKObjectType
- Represents an audiogram sample.
- HKAudiogram
Sensitivity Point HKAudiogramSensitivityPoint
- Apple’s documentation
- HKAudiogram
Sensitivity Point Clamping Range HKAudiogramSensitivityPointClampingRange
- Defines the range within which an ear’s sensitivity point may have been clamped, if any.
- HKAudiogram
Sensitivity Test HKAudiogramSensitivityTest
- Apple’s documentation
- HKAudiogram
Sensitivity Test Side HKAudiogramSensitivityTest
- Represents the test side used for an HKAudiogramSensitivityTest
- HKAuthorization
Request Status HKDefines
- This enumerated type is used to indicate whether it is necessary to request authorization from the user.
- HKAuthorization
Status HKDefines
- This enumerated type is used to indicate the currently granted authorization status for a specific HKObjectType.
- HKBiological
Sex HKCharacteristicValues
- This enumerated type is used to represent the biological sex of an individual.
- HKBiological
SexObject HKCharacteristicObjects
- A wrapper object for HKBiologicalSex enumeration.
- HKBlood
Glucose Meal Time HKMetadata
- Indicates how your blood glucose reading relates to a meal.
- HKBlood
Type HKCharacteristicValues
- This enumerated type is used to represent the blood type of an individual.
- HKBlood
Type Object HKCharacteristicObjects
- A wrapper object for HKBloodType enumeration.
- HKBody
Temperature Sensor Location HKMetadata
- Apple’s documentation
Document HKCDADocumentSample
- Apple’s documentation
Document Sample HKCDADocumentSample
- A sample object representing a CDA document.
- HKCategory
Sample HKCategorySample
- An HKObject subclass representing an category measurement
- HKCategory
Type HKObjectType
- Represent a type of HKCategorySample.
- HKCategory
Value HKCategoryValues
- This category value is to be used for types which don’t have a specific value defined.
- HKCategory
Value Appetite Changes HKCategoryValues
- Set of values to indicate the direction of appetite changes.
- HKCategory
Value Apple Stand Hour HKCategoryValues
- Set of values that may be used for HKCategorySamples with the HKCategoryTypeIdentifierAppleStandHour type.
- HKCategory
Value Apple Walking Steadiness Event HKCategoryValues
- Set of values that may be used for HKCategorySamples with the HKCategoryTypeIdentifierAppleWalkingSteadinessEvent type.
- HKCategory
Value Audio Exposure Event Deprecated HKCategoryValues
- Specifies the kind of audio exposure event associated with the sample.
- HKCategory
Value Cervical Mucus Quality HKCategoryValues
- Set of values that may be used for HKCategorySamples with the HKCategoryTypeIdentifierCervicalMucusQuality type.
- HKCategory
Value Contraceptive HKCategoryValues
- Set of values to indicate the type of contraceptive.
- HKCategory
Value Environmental Audio Exposure Event HKCategoryValues
- Specifies the kind of environmental audio exposure event associated with the sample.
- HKCategory
Value Headphone Audio Exposure Event HKCategoryValues
- Specifies the kind of headphone audio exposure event associated with the sample.
- HKCategory
Value LowCardio Fitness Event HKCategoryValues
- Specifies the type of cardio fitness event.
- HKCategory
Value Menstrual Flow Deprecated HKCategoryValues
- Set of values to indicate the type of menstrual flow.
- HKCategory
Value Ovulation Test Result HKCategoryValues
- Set of values that may be used for HKCategorySamples with the HKCategoryTypeIdentifierOvulationTestResult type.
- HKCategory
Value Pregnancy Test Result HKCategoryValues
- Set of values that may be used for HKCategorySamples with the HKCategoryTypeIdentifierPregnancyTestResult type.
- HKCategory
Value Presence HKCategoryValues
- Set of values to indicate whether a data type is present or not.
- HKCategory
Value Progesterone Test Result HKCategoryValues
- Set of values that may be used for HKCategorySamples with the HKCategoryTypeIdentifierProgesteroneTestResult type.
- HKCategory
Value Severity HKCategoryValues
- Set of values to indicate the severity of a symptom.
- HKCategory
Value Sleep Analysis HKCategoryValues
- Set of values that may be used for HKCategorySamples with the HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis type.
- HKCategory
Value Vaginal Bleeding HKCategoryValues
- Set of values to indicate the type of bleeding.
- HKCharacteristic
Type HKObjectType
- Represents a type of object that describes a characteristic of the user (such as date of birth).
- HKClinical
Record HKClinicalRecord
- An HKObject subclass representing a health record.
- HKClinical
Type HKClinicalType
- A type that identifies samples that contain clinical record data.
- HKContacts
Lens Specification HKContactsLensSpecification
- An object subclass representing lens specification for contacts
- HKContacts
Prescription HKContactsPrescription
- An object representing a contacts prescription
- HKCorrelation
- An HKCorrelation is a collection of correlated objects.
- HKCorrelation
Query HKCorrelationQuery
- A query to find HKCorrelations
- HKCorrelation
Type HKObjectType
- Represents a type of HKCorrelation
- HKCumulative
Quantity Sample HKCumulativeQuantitySample
- An HKQuantitySample subclass representing a quantity measurement with cumulative aggregation style.
- HKCumulative
Quantity Series Sample Deprecated HKCumulativeQuantitySample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCycling
Functional Threshold Power Test Type HKMetadata
- Represents the test used to determine a Cycling Functional Threshold Power value.
- HKDeleted
Object HKDeletedObject
- A class representing an HKObject that was deleted from the HealtKit database.
- HKDevice
- Apple’s documentation
- HKDevice
Placement Side HKMetadata
- The detected placement of the device during the bout of walking
- HKDiscrete
Quantity Sample HKDiscreteQuantitySample
- An HKQuantitySample subclass representing a quantity measurement with discrete aggregation style.
- HKDocument
Query HKDocumentQuery
- A concrete subclass of HKQuery that provides an interface to retrieve documents from the Health store.
- HKDocument
Sample HKDocumentSample
- An abstract class representing a health document.
- HKDocument
Type HKObjectType
- Represents a type of HKDocument.
- HKElectrocardiogram
- An HKElectrocardiogram is a collection of voltage values as waveforms from one or more leads
- HKElectrocardiogram
Classification HKElectrocardiogram
- The possible classifications determined for HKElectrocardiograms
- HKElectrocardiogram
Lead HKElectrocardiogram
- The medically-defined leads supported by HKElectrocardiogram
- HKElectrocardiogram
Query HKElectrocardiogramQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKElectrocardiogram
Symptoms Status HKElectrocardiogram
- An indication of whether the user experienced symptoms when taking an ECG
- HKElectrocardiogram
Type HKObjectType
- Represents an electrocardiogram sample.
- HKElectrocardiogram
Voltage Measurement HKElectrocardiogramQuery
- An HKElectrocardiogramVoltageMeasurement contains voltage quantities for all leads at a single instance of measurement.
- HKError
Code HKDefines
- perform the requested operation.
Resource HKFHIRResource
- The HKFHIRResource class encapsulates a FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) resource.
Version HKFHIRVersion
- Represents a FHIR version.
- HKFitzpatrick
Skin Type HKCharacteristicValues
- This enumerated type is used to represent the skin type of an individual based on the Fitzpatrick scale.
- HKFitzpatrick
Skin Type Object HKCharacteristicObjects
- A wrapper object for HKFitzpatrickSkinType enumeration.
D7Assessment HKGAD7Assessment
- Represents the result of a GAD-7 assessment. Learn more about Pfizer’s GAD-7 at https://support.apple.com/en-us/105070
D7Assessment Answer HKGAD7Assessment
- Answer to question on GAD-7 assessment.
D7Assessment Risk HKGAD7Assessment
- Anxiety risk level determined by GAD-7 assessment.
- HKGlasses
Lens Specification HKGlassesLensSpecification
- An object subclass representing lens specification for glasses
- HKGlasses
Prescription HKGlassesPrescription
- An object subclass representing a glasses prescription
- HKHealth
Store HKHealthStore
- The HKHealthStore class provides an interface for accessing and storing the user’s health data.
- HKHeart
Rate Motion Context HKMetadata
- Apple’s documentation
- HKHeart
Rate Recovery Test Type HKMetadata
- Represents the test used to determine a Heart Rate Recovery value
- HKHeart
Rate Sensor Location HKMetadata
- Apple’s documentation
- HKHeartbeat
Series Builder HKHeartbeatSeriesBuilder
- An HKHeartbeatSeriesBuilder is used to generate an HKHeartbeatSeriesSample.
- HKHeartbeat
Series Query HKHeartbeatSeriesQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKHeartbeat
Series Sample HKHeartbeatSeriesSample
- An HKHeartbeatSeriesSample represents a series of heartbeats.
- HKInsulin
Delivery Reason HKMetadata
- Represents a medical reason for the delivery of insulin
- HKLens
Specification HKLensSpecification
- An object subclass representing common lens specification
- HKLive
Workout Builder HKLiveWorkoutBuilder
- Apple’s documentation
- HKLive
Workout Data Source HKLiveWorkoutDataSource
- An HKLiveWorkoutDataSource is to be used with an HKWorkoutBuilder to automatically collect samples
- HKMetric
Prefix HKUnit
- Apple’s documentation
- HKObject
- Apple’s documentation
- HKObject
Type HKObjectType
- An abstract class representing a type of object that can be stored by HealthKit.
- HKObserver
Query HKObserverQuery
- Apple’s documentation
Q9Assessment HKObject
- Represents the result of a PHQ-9 assessment. Learn more about Pfizer’s PHQ-9 at https://support.apple.com/en-us/105070
Q9Assessment Answer HKPHQ9Assessment
- Answer to question on PHQ-9 assessment.
Q9Assessment Risk HKPHQ9Assessment
- Depression risk level determined by PHQ-9 assessment.
- HKPhysical
Effort Estimation Type HKMetadata
- Represents the estimation used to create a Physical Effort Sample.
- HKPrescription
Type HKObjectType
- Represents a prescription type
- HKPrism
Base HKVisionPrism
- Represents the prism base for rectangular coordinates
- HKQuantity
- The HKQuantity class provides an encapsulation of a quantity value and the unit of measurement.
- HKQuantity
Aggregation Style HKQuantityAggregationStyle
- Describes how quantities can be aggregated over time.
- HKQuantity
Sample HKObject
- An abstract HKSample subclass representing a quantity measurement.
- HKQuantity
Series Sample Builder HKQuantitySeriesSampleBuilder
- An HKQuantitySeriesSampleBuilder is used to generate HKQuantitySample(s) with multiple quantities.
- HKQuantity
Series Sample Query HKQuantitySeriesSampleQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type HKObjectType
- Represents types of HKQuantitySamples.
- HKQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuery
Anchor HKQueryAnchor
- This object encapsulates the state of an HKAnchoredObjectQuery
- HKQuery
Descriptor HKQueryDescriptor
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuery
Options HKQuery
- Time interval options are used to describe how an HKSample’s time period overlaps with a given time period.
- HKSample
- An abstract class representing measurements taken over a period of time.
- HKSample
Query HKQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKSample
Type HKObjectType
- Represents a type of HKSample.
- HKScored
Assessment HKObject
- An abstract HKSample subclass representing the results of a scored assessment.
- HKScored
Assessment Type HKObjectType
- Represents a scored assessment sample
- HKSeries
Builder HKSeriesBuilder
- An HKSeriesBuilder is an abstract class for generating HKSeriesSample objects. Concrete subclasses generate the actual HKSeriesSample objects.
- HKSeries
Sample HKObject
- This class represents a type of HKSample that references a series of data.
- HKSeries
Type HKObjectType
- Represents a type of HKSeriesSample
- HKSource
- Represents the entity that created an object stored by HealthKit.
- HKSource
Query HKQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKSource
Revision HKSourceRevision
- Represents a specific revision of an HKSource.
- HKState
OfMind HKObject
- Represents how one feels, including descriptors of a feeling and optionally, its source.
- HKState
OfMind Association HKStateOfMind
- A general facet of life with which a felt experience may be associated.
- HKState
OfMind Kind HKStateOfMind
- The kind of feeling type captured by a state of mind log, considering the period of time the reflection concerns.
- HKState
OfMind Label HKStateOfMind
- A specific word describing a felt experience.
- HKState
OfMind Type HKObjectType
- Represents an experienced feeling and its surrounding context.
- HKState
OfMind Valence Classification HKStateOfMind
- A general region of pleasantness derived from valence logged on a state of mind sample.
- HKStatistics
- Represents statistics for quantity samples over a period of time.
- HKStatistics
Collection HKStatisticsCollectionQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKStatistics
Collection Query HKQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKStatistics
Options HKStatistics
- Options for specifying which statistics to calculate
- HKStatistics
Query HKQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKSwimming
Stroke Style HKMetadata
- Represents a style of stroke used during a swimming workout.
- HKUnit
- Apple’s documentation
- HKUpdate
Frequency HKDefines
- Apple’s documentation
- HKUser
Motion Context HKMetadata
- Apple’s documentation
MaxTest Type HKMetadata
- Represents the test used to create a VO2 Max Sample.
- HKVerifiable
Clinical Record HKObject
- An NSObject that represents a verifiable clinical record.
- HKVerifiable
Clinical Record Query HKQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKVerifiable
Clinical Record Subject HKVerifiableClinicalRecordSubject
- An NSObject that represents a verifiable clinical record subject.
- HKVision
Eye HKVisionPrism
- Represents an eye
- HKVision
Prescription HKObject
- HKSample subclass representing a vision prescription
- HKVision
Prescription Type HKVisionPrescription
- Represents a vision prescription type
- HKVision
Prism HKVisionPrism
- An object subclass representing prism vision fields used in eye glasses to correct double vision. The prism aligns the two images so only one is seen.
- HKWater
Salinity HKMetadata
- Represents the water salinity for an underwater depth or water temperature sample.
- HKWeather
Condition HKMetadata
- Apple’s documentation
- HKWheelchair
Use HKCharacteristicValues
- This enumerated type is used to represent whether the user uses a wheelchair.
- HKWheelchair
UseObject HKCharacteristicObjects
- A wrapper object for HKWheelchairUse enumeration.
- HKWorkout
- An HKObject subclass representing a workout or activity
- HKWorkout
Activity HKWorkoutActivity
- An HKWorkoutActivity is an object describing the properties of an activity within an HKWorkout.
- HKWorkout
Activity Type HKWorkout
- Represents a particular type of workout or exercise
- HKWorkout
Builder HKWorkoutBuilder
- An HKWorkoutBuilder is used to incrementally create new workouts in the HealthKit database. Samples, events, and metadata may be added to a builder either during a live workout session or to create a workout that occurred in the past. Calling finishWorkoutWithCompletion: will create a new workout with samples, events, and metadata that have been provided.
- HKWorkout
Configuration HKWorkoutConfiguration
- An HKWorkoutConfiguration is an object that can be used to describe the workout activity.
- HKWorkout
Effort Relationship HKWorkoutEffortRelationshipQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKWorkout
Effort Relationship Query HKQuery
- A concrete subclass of HKQuery that provides an interface to observe associations with a workout sample.
- HKWorkout
Effort Relationship Query Options HKWorkoutEffortRelationshipQuery
- Option for specifying which workout effort relationship sample(s) to retrieve
- HKWorkout
Event HKWorkout
- Represents a particular event that occurred during a workout.
- HKWorkout
Event Type HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKWorkout
Route HKObject
- Apple’s documentation
- HKWorkout
Route Builder HKSeriesBuilder
- An HKWorkoutRouteBuilder is used to generate an HKWorkoutRoute.
- HKWorkout
Route Query HKQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKWorkout
Session HKWorkoutSession
- An HKWorkoutSession is an object describing the properties of a workout activity session.
- HKWorkout
Session Location Type HKWorkoutConfiguration
- This enumerated type is used to represent the location type of a workout session.
- HKWorkout
Session State HKWorkoutSession
- This enumerated type is used to represent the state of a workout session.
- HKWorkout
Session Type HKWorkoutSession
- This enumerated type is used to represent the type of a workout session.
- HKWorkout
Swimming Location Type HKMetadata
- This enumerated type is used to represent the location type of a swimming workout.
- HKWorkout
Type HKObjectType
- Represents a workout or exercise
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Abdominal Cramps HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Acne HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Appetite Changes HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Apple Stand Hour HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Apple Walking Steadiness Event HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Audio Exposure Event HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Bladder Incontinence HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Bleeding After Pregnancy HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Bleeding During Pregnancy HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Bloating HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Breast Pain HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Cervical Mucus Quality HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Chest Tightness OrPain HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Chills HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Constipation HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Contraceptive HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Coughing HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Diarrhea HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Dizziness HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier DrySkin HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Environmental Audio Exposure Event HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Fainting HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Fatigue HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Fever HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Generalized Body Ache HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Hair Loss HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Handwashing Event HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Headache HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Headphone Audio Exposure Event HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Heartburn HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier High Heart Rate Event HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier HotFlashes HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Infrequent Menstrual Cycles HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Intermenstrual Bleeding HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Irregular Heart Rhythm Event HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Irregular Menstrual Cycles HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Lactation HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Loss OfSmell HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Loss OfTaste HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier LowCardio Fitness Event HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier LowHeart Rate Event HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Lower Back Pain HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Memory Lapse HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Menstrual Flow HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Mindful Session HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Mood Changes HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Nausea HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Night Sweats HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Ovulation Test Result HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Pelvic Pain HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Persistent Intermenstrual Bleeding HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Pregnancy HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Pregnancy Test Result HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Progesterone Test Result HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Prolonged Menstrual Periods HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Rapid Pounding OrFluttering Heartbeat HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Runny Nose HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Sexual Activity HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Shortness OfBreath HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Sinus Congestion HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Skipped Heartbeat HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Sleep Analysis HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Sleep Apnea Event HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Sleep Changes HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Sore Throat HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Toothbrushing Event HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Vaginal Dryness HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Vomiting HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCategory
Type ⚠Identifier Wheezing HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCharacteristic
Type ⚠Identifier Activity Move Mode HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCharacteristic
Type ⚠Identifier Biological Sex HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCharacteristic
Type ⚠Identifier Blood Type HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCharacteristic
Type ⚠Identifier Date OfBirth HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCharacteristic
Type ⚠Identifier Fitzpatrick Skin Type HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCharacteristic
Type ⚠Identifier Wheelchair Use HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKClinical
Type ⚠Identifier Allergy Record HKClinicalType
- A type identifier for records of allergies or intolerances.
- HKClinical
Type ⚠Identifier Clinical Note Record HKClinicalType
- A type identifier for records that represent clinical notes.
- HKClinical
Type ⚠Identifier Condition Record HKClinicalType
- A type identifier for records of a condition, problem, or diagnosis.
- HKClinical
Type ⚠Identifier Coverage Record HKClinicalType
- A type identifier for records containing information about the user’s insurance coverage.
- HKClinical
Type ⚠Identifier Immunization Record HKClinicalType
- A type identifier for records of vaccine administration.
- HKClinical
Type ⚠Identifier LabResult Record HKClinicalType
- A type identifier for records of lab results.
- HKClinical
Type ⚠Identifier Medication Record HKClinicalType
- A type identifier for records of medication prescription, intake, or administration.
- HKClinical
Type ⚠Identifier Procedure Record HKClinicalType
- A type identifier for records of clinical procedures.
- HKClinical
Type ⚠Identifier Vital Sign Record HKClinicalType
- A type identifier for records of vital signs.
- HKCorrelation
Type ⚠Identifier Blood Pressure HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCorrelation
Type ⚠Identifier Food HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKData
Type ⚠Identifier Heartbeat Series HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKData
Type ⚠Identifier State OfMind HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKDetailedCDA
Validation ⚠Error Key HKCDADocumentSample
- This may be used with the validationError parameter of CDADocumentSampleWithData:startDate:endDate:device:metadata:validationError: to obtain a detailed description of the validation errors encountered when creating a CDA document.
- HKDevice
Property ⚠KeyFirmware Version HKDevice
- Used with predicateForObjectsWithDeviceProperty to specify a firmware version.
- HKDevice
Property ⚠KeyHardware Version HKDevice
- Used with predicateForObjectsWithDeviceProperty to specify a hardware version.
- HKDevice
Property ⚠KeyLocal Identifier HKDevice
- Used with predicateForObjectsWithDeviceProperty to specify a local identifier.
- HKDevice
Property ⚠KeyManufacturer HKDevice
- Used with predicateForObjectsWithDeviceProperty to specify a device manufacturer.
- HKDevice
Property ⚠KeyModel HKDevice
- Used with predicateForObjectsWithDeviceProperty to specify a device model.
- HKDevice
Property ⚠KeyName HKDevice
- Used with predicateForObjectsWithDeviceProperty to specify a device name.
- HKDevice
Property ⚠KeySoftware Version HKDevice
- Used with predicateForObjectsWithDeviceProperty to specify a software version.
- HKDevice
Property ⚠KeyUDI Device Identifier HKDevice
- Used with predicateForObjectsWithDeviceProperty to specify a UDI device identifier.
- HKDocument
Type ⚠IdentifierCDA HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKError
Domain ⚠HKDefines
- Apple’s documentation
ReleaseDST ⚠U2 HKFHIRRelease
- The “DSTU2” release: http://hl7.org/fhir/DSTU2/
Release ⚠R4 HKFHIRRelease
- The “R4” release: http://hl7.org/fhir/R4/
Release ⚠Unknown HKFHIRRelease
- An unknown release
Resource ⚠Type Allergy Intolerance HKFHIRResource
- Apple’s documentation
Resource ⚠Type Condition HKFHIRResource
- Apple’s documentation
Resource ⚠Type Coverage HKFHIRResource
- Apple’s documentation
Resource ⚠Type Diagnostic Report HKFHIRResource
- Apple’s documentation
Resource ⚠Type Document Reference HKFHIRResource
- Apple’s documentation
Resource ⚠Type Immunization HKFHIRResource
- Apple’s documentation
Resource ⚠Type Medication Dispense HKFHIRResource
- Apple’s documentation
Resource ⚠Type Medication Order HKFHIRResource
- Apple’s documentation
Resource ⚠Type Medication Request HKFHIRResource
- Apple’s documentation
Resource ⚠Type Medication Statement HKFHIRResource
- Apple’s documentation
Resource ⚠Type Observation HKFHIRResource
- Apple’s documentation
Resource ⚠Type Procedure HKFHIRResource
- Apple’s documentation
- HKMetadata
KeyActivity ⚠Type HKMetadata
- Represents the activity type related to the sample
- HKMetadata
KeyAlgorithm ⚠Version HKMetadata
- The version of the algorithm used to generate the sample.
- HKMetadata
KeyAlpine ⚠Slope Grade HKMetadata
- Represents the grade of a ski run.
- HKMetadata
KeyApple ⚠Device Calibrated HKMetadata
- Represents the calibration status of the devices used to generate this sample.
- HKMetadata
KeyAppleECG ⚠Algorithm Version HKMetadata
- Represents the ECG algorithm version that was used to generate a particular HKElectrocardiogram.
- HKMetadata
KeyApple ⚠Fitness Plus Catalog Identifier HKMetadata
- Contains the catalog identifier of the Fitness+ workout.
- HKMetadata
KeyApple ⚠Fitness Plus Session HKMetadata
- Represents whether or not a workout is a Fitness+ workout.
- HKMetadata
KeyAudio ⚠Exposure Duration HKMetadata
- Represents the duration of time that is covered by audio samples.
- HKMetadata
KeyAudio ⚠Exposure Level HKMetadata
- Represents the audio level associated with an audio event.
- HKMetadata
KeyAverageME ⚠Ts HKMetadata
- Represents the average METs, or Metabolic Equivalent of Task during a workout.
- HKMetadata
KeyAverage ⚠Speed HKMetadata
- Represents the average speed for a workout segment or distance sample.
- HKMetadata
KeyBarometric ⚠Pressure HKMetadata
- Represents the barometric pressure recorded at the time of a sample.
- HKMetadata
KeyBlood ⚠Glucose Meal Time HKMetadata
- Indicates the relative timing of a blood glucose reading to a meal.
- HKMetadata
KeyBody ⚠Temperature Sensor Location HKMetadata
- Represents the location where a particular body temperature reading was taken.
- HKMetadata
KeyCoached ⚠Workout HKMetadata
- Represents whether or not a workout was performed with a coach or personal trainer.
- HKMetadata
KeyCross ⚠Trainer Distance HKMetadata
- Represents the distance covered during a cross trainer workout.
- HKMetadata
KeyCycling ⚠Functional Threshold Power Test Type HKMetadata
- Represents the test used to determine a Cycling Functional Threshold Power value.
- HKMetadata
KeyDate ⚠OfEarliest Data Used ForEstimate HKMetadata
- Represents how far back an estimation algorithm incorporated data from.
- HKMetadata
KeyDevice ⚠Manufacturer Name HKMetadata
- Represents the name of the manufacturer of the device that took the reading.
- HKMetadata
KeyDevice ⚠Name HKMetadata
- Represents the name of the device that took the reading.
- HKMetadata
KeyDevice ⚠Placement Side HKMetadata
- Represents the detected placement of the device during the bout of walking
- HKMetadata
KeyDevice ⚠Serial Number HKMetadata
- Represents the serial number of the device that created the HKObject.
- HKMetadata
KeyDigital ⚠Signature HKMetadata
- Represents a digital signature validating the origin of an HKObject’s value.
- HKMetadata
KeyElevation ⚠Ascended HKMetadata
- Represents the cumulative elevation ascent during a workout.
- HKMetadata
KeyElevation ⚠Descended HKMetadata
- Represents the cumulative elevation descent during a workout.
- HKMetadata
KeyExternalUUID ⚠HKMetadata
- Represents a unique identifier for an HKObject that is set by its source. Uniqueness of objects with the same value of this key is not enforced by HealthKit.
- HKMetadata
KeyFitness ⚠Machine Duration HKMetadata
- Represents the workout duration as displayed by a GymKit connected fitness machine.
- HKMetadata
KeyFood ⚠Type HKMetadata
- Represents the type of food that was consumed when creating an HKObject.
- HKMetadata
KeyGlasses ⚠Prescription Description HKMetadata
- Represents the description that may be associated with a HKGlassesPrescription.
- HKMetadata
KeyGroup ⚠Fitness HKMetadata
- Represents whether or not a workout was performed as part of a group fitness class.
- HKMetadata
KeyHeadphone ⚠Gain HKMetadata
- Represents the headphone gain associated with a Headphone audio exposure event.
- HKMetadata
KeyHeart ⚠Rate Event Threshold HKMetadata
- Represents the threshold heart rate that triggered a heart rate event.
- HKMetadata
KeyHeart ⚠Rate Motion Context HKMetadata
- Represents the context in which a particular heart rate reading was taken.
- HKMetadata
KeyHeart ⚠Rate Recovery Activity Duration HKMetadata
- Represents the duration of activity which preceded a Heart Rate Recovery value
- HKMetadata
KeyHeart ⚠Rate Recovery Activity Type HKMetadata
- Represents the activity which preceded a Heart Rate Recovery value
- HKMetadata
KeyHeart ⚠Rate Recovery MaxObserved Recovery Heart Rate HKMetadata
- Represents the maximum heart rate observed during the corresponding Heart Rate Recovery sample interval
- HKMetadata
KeyHeart ⚠Rate Recovery Test Type HKMetadata
- Represents the test used to determine a Heart Rate Recovery value
- HKMetadata
KeyHeart ⚠Rate Sensor Location HKMetadata
- Represents the location where a particular heart rate reading was taken.
- HKMetadata
KeyIndoor ⚠Bike Distance HKMetadata
- Represents the distance covered during an indoor bike workout.
- HKMetadata
KeyIndoor ⚠Workout HKMetadata
- Represents whether or not a workout was performed indoors as opposed to outdoors.
- HKMetadata
KeyInsulin ⚠Delivery Reason HKMetadata
- Represents the medical reason for the delivery of an insulin dose. This is a required metadata key for samples of type HKQuantityTypeIdentifierInsulinDelivery.
- HKMetadata
KeyLap ⚠Length HKMetadata
- Represents the length of a lap recorded during a workout.
- HKMetadata
KeyLow ⚠Cardio Fitness Event Threshold HKMetadata
- Can be used to store a snapshot of the threshold used to classify VO2Max values as “low”
- HKMetadata
KeyMaximum ⚠Light Intensity HKMetadata
- Represents maximum intensity of light for an outdoor time sample.
- HKMetadata
KeyMaximum ⚠Speed HKMetadata
- Represents the maximum speed for a workout segment or distance sample.
- HKMetadata
KeyMenstrual ⚠Cycle Start HKMetadata
- Indicates whether or not the sample represents the start of a menstrual cycle. This is a required metadata key for category samples of type HKCategoryTypeIdentifierMenstrualFlow.
- HKMetadata
KeyPhysical ⚠Effort Estimation Type HKMetadata
- Represents the estimation type used to create the Physical Effort Sample
- HKMetadata
KeyQuantity ⚠Clamped ToLower Bound HKMetadata
- Indicates the quantity was clamped to a lower bound.
- HKMetadata
KeyQuantity ⚠Clamped ToUpper Bound HKMetadata
- Indicates the quantity was clamped to an upper bound.
- HKMetadata
KeyReference ⚠Range Lower Limit HKMetadata
- Represents the lower limit of the reference range for a lab result.
- HKMetadata
KeyReference ⚠Range Upper Limit HKMetadata
- Represents the upper limit of the reference range for a lab result.
- HKMetadata
KeySWOLF ⚠Score HKMetadata
- Represents sum of strokes per length and time for the length. Calculated for each lap event and segment event during swimming workout.
- HKMetadata
KeySession ⚠Estimate HKMetadata
- Represents a per-session estimate prior to longitudinal smoothing applied to the value stored in the associated HKQuantitySample.
- HKMetadata
KeySexual ⚠Activity Protection Used HKMetadata
- Represents whether or not protection was used during sexual activity. This can be used to track either protection from STIs or protection from pregnancy.
- HKMetadata
KeySwimming ⚠Location Type HKMetadata
- Represents the location type of a swimming workout.
- HKMetadata
KeySwimming ⚠Stroke Style HKMetadata
- Represents the predominant stroke style during a lap of a swimming workout.
- HKMetadata
KeySync ⚠Identifier HKMetadata
- Represents an identifier for an HKObject that is set by its source and is used by HealthKit to uniquely identify an object.
- HKMetadata
KeySync ⚠Version HKMetadata
- Represents the version of the HKObject that is set by its source and is used by HealthKit to identify an object’s version.
- HKMetadata
KeyTime ⚠Zone HKMetadata
- Represents the time zone that the user was in when the HKObject was created.
- HKMetadata
KeyUDI ⚠Device Identifier HKMetadata
- Represents the device identifier portion of a device’s UDI (Unique Device Identifier).
- HKMetadata
KeyUDI ⚠Production Identifier HKMetadata
- Represents the production identifier portion of a device’s UDI (Unique Device Identifier).
- HKMetadata
KeyUser ⚠Motion Context HKMetadata
- Represents the user’s motion when a particular sample was taken.
- HKMetadata
KeyV ⚠O2Max Test Type HKMetadata
- Represents the test used to create VO2 Max Sample
- HKMetadata
KeyV ⚠O2Max Value HKMetadata
- Represents a VO2Max value that can be associated with, for example, Cardio Fitness Events
- HKMetadata
KeyWas ⚠Taken InLab HKMetadata
- Represents whether or not the reading was taken in a lab.
- HKMetadata
KeyWas ⚠User Entered HKMetadata
- Represents whether or not the reading was entered by the user.
- HKMetadata
KeyWater ⚠Salinity HKMetadata
- Represents the water salinity for an underwater depth or water temperature sample.
- HKMetadata
KeyWeather ⚠Condition HKMetadata
- Represents the weather condition during the sample.
- HKMetadata
KeyWeather ⚠Humidity HKMetadata
- Represents the weather humidity during the sample.
- HKMetadata
KeyWeather ⚠Temperature HKMetadata
- Represents the weather temperature during the sample.
- HKMetadata
KeyWorkout ⚠Brand Name HKMetadata
- Represents the brand name of a particular workout.
- HKObject
Query NoLimit HKSampleQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Average HKDiscreteQuantitySample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Average Heart Rate HKElectrocardiogram
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPathCDA ⚠Author Name HKCDADocumentSample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPathCDA ⚠Custodian Name HKCDADocumentSample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPathCDA ⚠Patient Name HKCDADocumentSample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPathCDA ⚠Title HKCDADocumentSample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Category Value HKCategorySample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Clinical RecordFHIR Resource Identifier HKClinicalRecord
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Clinical RecordFHIR Resource Type HKClinicalRecord
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Correlation HKObject
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Count HKQuantitySample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Date Components HKActivitySummary
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Device HKObject
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPathECG ⚠Classification HKElectrocardiogram
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPathECG ⚠Symptoms Status HKElectrocardiogram
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠EndDate HKSample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Max HKDiscreteQuantitySample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Metadata HKObject
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Min HKDiscreteQuantitySample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Most Recent HKDiscreteQuantitySample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Most Recent Duration HKDiscreteQuantitySample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Most Recent EndDate HKDiscreteQuantitySample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Most Recent Start Date HKDiscreteQuantitySample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Quantity HKQuantitySample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Source HKObject
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Source Revision HKObject
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Start Date HKSample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Sum HKCumulativeQuantitySample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPathUUID ⚠HKObject
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout HKObject
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Activity HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Activity Average Quantity HKWorkoutActivity
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Activity Duration HKWorkoutActivity
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Activity EndDate HKWorkoutActivity
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Activity Maximum Quantity HKWorkoutActivity
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Activity Minimum Quantity HKWorkoutActivity
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Activity Start Date HKWorkoutActivity
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Activity SumQuantity HKWorkoutActivity
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Activity Type HKWorkoutActivity
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Average Quantity HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Duration HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Effort Relationship HKObject
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Maximum Quantity HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Minimum Quantity HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout SumQuantity HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Total Distance HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Total Energy Burned HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Total Flights Climbed HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Total Swimming Stroke Count HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKPredicate
KeyPath ⚠Workout Type HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Active Energy Burned HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Apple Exercise Time HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Apple Move Time HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Apple Sleeping Breathing Disturbances HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Apple Sleeping Wrist Temperature HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Apple Stand Time HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Apple Walking Steadiness HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Atrial Fibrillation Burden HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Basal Body Temperature HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Basal Energy Burned HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Blood Alcohol Content HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Blood Glucose HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Blood Pressure Diastolic HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Blood Pressure Systolic HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Body FatPercentage HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Body Mass HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Body Mass Index HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Body Temperature HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Cross Country Skiing Speed HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Cycling Cadence HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Cycling Functional Threshold Power HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Cycling Power HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Cycling Speed HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Biotin HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Caffeine HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Calcium HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Carbohydrates HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Chloride HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Cholesterol HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Chromium HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Copper HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Energy Consumed HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary FatMonounsaturated HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary FatPolyunsaturated HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary FatSaturated HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary FatTotal HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Fiber HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Folate HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Iodine HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Iron HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Magnesium HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Manganese HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Molybdenum HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Niacin HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Pantothenic Acid HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Phosphorus HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Potassium HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Protein HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Riboflavin HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Selenium HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Sodium HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Sugar HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Thiamin HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary VitaminA HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Vitamin B6 HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Vitamin B12 HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary VitaminC HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary VitaminD HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary VitaminE HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary VitaminK HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Water HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Dietary Zinc HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Distance Cross Country Skiing HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Distance Cycling HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Distance Downhill Snow Sports HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Distance Paddle Sports HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Distance Rowing HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Distance Skating Sports HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Distance Swimming HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Distance Walking Running HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Distance Wheelchair HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Electrodermal Activity HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Environmental Audio Exposure HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Environmental Sound Reduction HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Estimated Workout Effort Score HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Flights Climbed HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Forced Expiratory Volume1 HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Forced Vital Capacity HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Headphone Audio Exposure HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Heart Rate HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Heart Rate Recovery OneMinute HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Heart Rate VariabilitySDNN HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Height HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Inhaler Usage HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Insulin Delivery HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Lean Body Mass HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Nike Fuel HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Number OfAlcoholic Beverages HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Number OfTimes Fallen HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Oxygen Saturation HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Paddle Sports Speed HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Peak Expiratory Flow Rate HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Peripheral Perfusion Index HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Physical Effort HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Push Count HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Respiratory Rate HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Resting Heart Rate HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Rowing Speed HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Running Ground Contact Time HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Running Power HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Running Speed HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Running Stride Length HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Running Vertical Oscillation HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier SixMinute Walk Test Distance HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Stair Ascent Speed HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Stair Descent Speed HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Step Count HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Swimming Stroke Count HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Time InDaylight HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠IdentifierUV Exposure HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Underwater Depth HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠IdentifierV O2Max HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Waist Circumference HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Walking Asymmetry Percentage HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Walking Double Support Percentage HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Walking Heart Rate Average HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Walking Speed HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Walking Step Length HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Water Temperature HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type ⚠Identifier Workout Effort Score HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKSample
Sort ⚠Identifier EndDate HKSample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKSample
Sort ⚠Identifier Start Date HKSample
- Apple’s documentation
- HKScored
Assessment ⚠Type IdentifierGA D7 HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKScored
Assessment ⚠Type IdentifierPH Q9 HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKSource
Revision ⚠AnyOperating System HKSourceRevision
- Apple’s documentation
- HKSource
Revision ⚠AnyProduct Type HKSourceRevision
- Apple’s documentation
- HKSource
Revision ⚠AnyVersion HKSourceRevision
- Apple’s documentation
- HKUser
Preferences ⚠DidChange Notification HKHealthStore
- A notification posted every time the user updates their preferred units.
- HKVerifiable
Clinical ⚠Record Credential TypeCOVI D19 HKVerifiableClinicalRecord
- Represents the COVID-19 credential type for a verifiable record.
- HKVerifiable
Clinical ⚠Record Credential Type Immunization HKVerifiableClinicalRecord
- Represents the immunization credential type for a verifiable record.
- HKVerifiable
Clinical ⚠Record Credential Type Laboratory HKVerifiableClinicalRecord
- Represents the laboratory credential type for a verifiable record.
- HKVerifiable
Clinical ⚠Record Credential Type Recovery HKVerifiableClinicalRecord
- Represents the recovery credential type for a verifiable record.
- HKVerifiable
Clinical ⚠Record Source TypeEU DigitalCOVID Certificate HKVerifiableClinicalRecord
- Represents a EU Digital COVID Certificate source type for a verifiable record.
- HKVerifiable
Clinical ⚠Record Source TypeSMART Health Card HKVerifiableClinicalRecord
- Represents a SMART Health Card source type for a verifiable record.
- HKVision
Prescription ⚠Type Identifier HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKWorkout
Route ⚠Type Identifier HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKWorkout
Sort ⚠Identifier Duration HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKWorkout
Sort ⚠Identifier Total Distance HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKWorkout
Sort ⚠Identifier Total Energy Burned HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKWorkout
Sort ⚠Identifier Total Flights Climbed HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKWorkout
Sort ⚠Identifier Total Swimming Stroke Count HKWorkout
- Apple’s documentation
- HKWorkout
Type ⚠Identifier HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKLive
Workout Builder Delegate HKLiveWorkoutBuilder
- Apple’s documentation
- HKWorkout
Session Delegate HKWorkoutSession
- This protocol should be implemented to be notified when a workout session’s state changes.
- HKApple
Sleeping ⚠Breathing Disturbances Classification ForQuantity HKAppleSleepingBreathingDisturbancesClassification
- Determines the Breathing Disturbances classification for the provided BD value.
- HKApple
Sleeping ⚠Breathing Disturbances Minimum Quantity ForClassification HKAppleSleepingBreathingDisturbancesClassification
- Retrieves the minimum quantity for a Breathing Disturbances classification.
- HKApple
Walking ⚠Steadiness Classification ForQuantity HKAppleWalkingSteadinessClassification
- Determines the Apple Walking Steadiness classification for the provided Apple Walking Steadiness value.
- HKApple
Walking ⚠Steadiness Maximum Quantity ForClassification HKAppleWalkingSteadinessClassification
- Retrieves the maximum quantity in percent unit for an Apple Walking Steadiness classification.
- HKApple
Walking ⚠Steadiness Minimum Quantity ForClassification HKAppleWalkingSteadinessClassification
- Retrieves the minimum quantity in percent unit for an Apple Walking Steadiness classification.
- HKCategory
Value ⚠Sleep Analysis Asleep Values HKDefines
- Returns the set of
values that are considered to be asleep. - HKMaximum
Score ⚠ForGA D7Assessment Risk HKGAD7Assessment
- Returns the upper bound of the score range for the given GAD-7 risk classification.
- HKMaximum
Score ⚠ForPH Q9Assessment Risk HKPHQ9Assessment
- Returns the upper bound of the score range for the given PHQ-9 risk classification.
- HKMinimum
Score ⚠ForGA D7Assessment Risk HKGAD7Assessment
- Returns the lower bound of the score range for the given GAD-7 risk classification.
- HKMinimum
Score ⚠ForPH Q9Assessment Risk HKPHQ9Assessment
- Returns the lower bound of the score range for the given PHQ-9 risk classification.
- HKState
OfMind ⚠Valence Classification ForValence HKStateOfMind
- Returns the valence classification appropriate for a valence value.
If the given valence is outside the supported range of values, this function returns
Type Aliases§
- HKCategory
Type Identifier HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCharacteristic
Type Identifier HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKClinical
Type Identifier HKClinicalType
- Apple’s documentation
- HKCorrelation
Type Identifier HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKDocument
Type Identifier HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
Release HKFHIRRelease
- FHIR releases are official releases of the FHIR specification.
Resource Type HKFHIRResource
- Apple’s documentation
- HKObserver
Query Completion Handler HKObserverQuery
- Apple’s documentation
- HKQuantity
Type Identifier HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKScored
Assessment Type Identifier HKTypeIdentifiers
- Apple’s documentation
- HKVerifiable
Clinical Record Credential Type HKVerifiableClinicalRecord
- Apple’s documentation
- HKVerifiable
Clinical Record Source Type HKVerifiableClinicalRecord
- Apple’s documentation