Expand description
§Bindings to the FileProvider
See Apple’s docs and the general docs on framework crates for more information.
- NSFile
Provider Content Policy NSFileProviderItem
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Create Item Options NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- Options passed on item creation.
- NSFile
Provider Delete Item Options NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- Options passed on item deletion.
- NSFile
Provider Domain NSFileProviderDomain
- File provider domain.
- NSFile
Provider Domain Removal Mode Extension
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Domain Testing Modes NSFileProviderDomain
- Testing modes.
- NSFile
Provider Domain Version NSFileProviderDomain
- File provider domain version.
- NSFile
Provider Error Code NSFileProviderError
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Extension Extension
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Fetch Contents Options NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- Used by the system to express options and constraints to the provider in fetchPartialContentsForItemWithIdentifier.
- NSFile
Provider File System Flags NSFileProviderItem
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Item Capabilities NSFileProviderItem
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Item Fields NSFileProviderItem
- NSFileProviderItemContents corresponds to the item’s contents.
- NSFile
Provider Item Version NSFileProviderItem
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Known Folder Location NSFileProviderKnownFolders
- Specify the location of a known folder in the replicated tree.
- NSFile
Provider Known Folder Locations NSFileProviderKnownFolders
- Specify the locations at which known folders should be synced in the replicated tree.
- NSFile
Provider Known Folders NSFileProviderDomain
- Specifying a list of known folders.
- NSFile
Provider Manager Extension
- The file provider manager allows you to communicate with the file provider framework from both the extension and related processes.
- NSFile
Provider Manager Disconnection Options Extension
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Materialization Flags NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- NSFileProviderMaterializationFlags are used to inform the system about specific conditions that apply to the content retrieved by the provider in fetchPartialContentsForItemWithIdentifier.
- NSFile
Provider Modify Item Options NSFileProviderModifyItemOptions
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Request NSFileProviderRequest
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Testing Operation Side NSFileProviderTesting
- Side affected by the operation.
- NSFile
Provider Testing Operation Type NSFileProviderTesting
- Type of the operation
- NSFile
Provider Type AndCreator NSFileProviderItem
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Volume Unsupported Reason Extension
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider ⚠Domain DidChange NSFileProviderDomain
- Posted when any domain changed.
- NSFile
Provider ⚠Error Colliding Item Key NSFileProviderError
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider ⚠Error Domain NSFileProviderError
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider ⚠Error Item Key NSFileProviderError
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider ⚠Error NonExistent Item Identifier Key NSFileProviderError
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider ⚠Favorite Rank Unranked NSFileProviderItem
- A special value for favorite ranks, to use when no rank was set when the item was favorited.
- NSFile
Provider ⚠Initial Page Sorted ByDate NSFileProviderEnumerating
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider ⚠Initial Page Sorted ByName NSFileProviderEnumerating
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider ⚠Materialized SetDid Change Extension
- Posted when the materialized set has changed.
- NSFile
Provider ⚠Pending SetDid Change Extension
- Posted when the pending set has changed.
- NSFile
Provider ⚠Root Container Item Identifier NSFileProviderItem
- The root of the hierarchical enumeration, i.e the container enumerated when the user starts browsing your file provider.
- NSFile
Provider ⚠Trash Container Item Identifier NSFileProviderItem
- The container containing all the trashed items.
- NSFile
Provider ⚠Working SetContainer Item Identifier NSFileProviderItem
- The item identifier of the working set, a synthetic container used by the extension to communicate changes to the system even when the parent directories of these items aren’t actively being enumerated. Items in this set should have their parentItemIdentifier set to the identifier of their parent directory.
- NSErrorNS
File Provider Error NSFileProviderError
- Category “NSFileProviderError” on
. - NSFile
Provider Change Observer NSFileProviderEnumerating
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Custom Action NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Domain State NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Enumerating NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Enumeration Observer NSFileProviderEnumerating
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Enumerator NSFileProviderEnumerating
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider External Volume Handling NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Incremental Content Fetching NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- Protocol to implement if the provider instance supports fetching incremental content changes.
- NSFile
Provider Item Decorating NSFileProviderItem
- Decorations are defined in the extension’s Info.plist by adding a NSFileProviderDecorations key with one or many entries to the NSExtension dictionary.
- NSFile
Provider Item Protocol NSFileProviderItem
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Known Folder Supporting NSFileProviderKnownFolders
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Partial Content Fetching NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Pending SetEnumerator Extension
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Replicated Extension NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- FileProvider extension for which the system replicates the content on disk.
- NSFile
Provider Service Source NSFileProviderService
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Servicing NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Testing Children Enumeration NSFileProviderTesting
- This operation causes the system to list the children of an item
- NSFile
Provider Testing Collision Resolution NSFileProviderTesting
- This operation causes the system to resolve a collision by rename a colliding item.
- NSFile
Provider Testing Content Fetch NSFileProviderTesting
- This operation causes the system to fetch the content of an item.
- NSFile
Provider Testing Creation NSFileProviderTesting
- This operation causes the system to propagate a creation of an item from a source side to a target side.
- NSFile
Provider Testing Deletion NSFileProviderTesting
- This operation causes the system to propagate a deletion from a source side to a target side.
- NSFile
Provider Testing Ingestion NSFileProviderTesting
- This operation causes the system to ingest a change.
- NSFile
Provider Testing Lookup NSFileProviderTesting
- This operation causes the system to lookup an item.
- NSFile
Provider Testing Modification NSFileProviderTesting
- This operation causes the system to propagate a modification of an existing item from a source side to a target side.
- NSFile
Provider Testing Operation NSFileProviderTesting
- An operation that can scheduled.
- NSFile
Provider Thumbnailing NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- Protocol to implement if the provider supports fetching thumbnails for its items.
- NSFile
Provider User Interaction Suppressing NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension
- Protocol to implement for managing UserInteraction alerts.
Type Aliases§
- NSFile
Provider Domain Identifier NSFileProviderDomain
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Extension Action Identifier NSFileProviderActions
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Item NSFileProviderItem
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Item Decoration Identifier NSFileProviderItemDecoration
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Item Identifier NSFileProviderItem
- Apple’s documentation
- NSFile
Provider Page NSFileProviderEnumerating
- A user- or system-defined chunk of data that defines a page to continue the enumeration from. Initial enumeration is started from one of the below system-defined pages.
- NSFile
Provider Sync Anchor NSFileProviderEnumerating
- A user-defined chunk of data that defines a starting point to enumerate changes from.