Expand description

Provides several dynamics used for orbital mechanics and attitude dynamics, which can be elegantly combined.


pub use self::orbital::*;
pub use self::spacecraft::*;
pub use self::solarpressure::*;
pub use self::drag::*;
pub use self::sph_harmonics::*;


Defines some velocity change controllers.

Define drag models

Defines a few examples of guidance laws.

The orbital module handles all Cartesian based orbital dynamics.

Defines solar radiation pressure models

The gravity module handles spherical harmonics only. It must be combined with a OrbitalDynamics dynamics

Define the spherical harmonic models.



The AccelModel trait handles immutable dynamics which return an acceleration. Those can be added directly to Orbital Dynamics for example.

Defines the Exponentially Correlated Random Variable dynamics The Dynamics trait handles and stores any equation of motion and the state is integrated.

The ForceModel trait handles immutable dynamics which return a force. Those will be divided by the mass of the spacecraft to compute the acceleration (F = ma).