[][src]Module nvim_rs::error

Errors of nvim-rs.

Nvim-rs reports very detailed errors, to facilitate debugging by logging even in rare edge cases, and to enable clients to handle errors according to their needs. Errors are boxed to not overly burden the size of the Results.


Errors can originate in three ways:

  1. Failure of a request to neovim is communicated by a CallError.
  2. A failure in the io loop is communicated by a LoopError.
  3. A failure to connect to neovim when starting up via one of the new_* functions is communicated by an io::Error.

Most errors should probably be treated as fatal, and the application should just exit.

Special errors

Use is_reader_error to check if it might sense to try to show an error message to the neovim user (see this example).

Use CallError::is_channel_closed or LoopError::is_channel_closed to determine if the error originates from a closed channel. This means either neovim closed the channel actively, or neovim was closed. Often, this is not seen as a real error, but the signal for the plugin to quit. Again, see the example.



A call to neovim failed


Receiving a message from neovim failed


Sending a message to neovim failed


A message from neovim had an invalid format


A failure in the io loop