Crate nutype

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The newtype with guarantees.


Nutype embraces the simple idea: the type system can be leveraged to track the fact that something was done, so there is no need to do it again.

If a piece of data was once sanitized and validated we can rely on the types instead of sanitizing and validating again and again.

Quick start

use nutype::nutype;

    sanitize(trim, lowercase)
    validate(not_empty, max_len = 20)
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Username(String);

// Now we can create usernames:
    Username::new("   FooBar  ").unwrap().into_inner(),

// But we cannot create invalid ones:
    Username::new("   "),


Note, that we also got UsernameError enum generated implicitly.

Ok, but let’s try to obtain an instance of Username that violates the validation rules:

let username = Username("".to_string())

// error[E0423]: cannot initialize a tuple struct which contains private fields
let mut username = Username::new("foo").unwrap();
username.0 = "".to_string();

// error[E0616]: field `0` of struct `Username` is private

Haha. It’s does not seem to be easy!

A few more examples

Here are some other examples of what you can do with nutype.

You can skip sanitize and use a custom validator with:

use nutype::nutype;

#[nutype(validate(with = |n| n % 2 == 1))]
struct OddNumber(i64);

You can skip validation, if you need sanitization only:

use nutype::nutype;

#[nutype(sanitize(trim, lowercase))]
struct Username(String);

In that case, Username::new(String) simply returns Username, not Result.

You can derive traits. A lot of traits! For example:

use nutype::nutype;

struct Username(String);

The code above derives the following traits for Username: Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, FromStr, AsRef, Hash. * is just a syntax sugar for “derive whatever makes sense to derive by default”, which is very subjective and opinionated. It’s rather an experimental feature that was born from the fact that #[nutype] has to mess with #[derive] anyway because users are not supposed to be able to derive traits like DerefMut or BorrowMut. That would allow mutating the inner (protected) value which undermines the entire idea of nutype.

Inner types

Available sanitizers, validators, and derivable traits are determined by the inner type, which falls into the following categories:

  • String
  • Integer (u8, u16,u32, u64, u128, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, usize, isize)
  • Float (f32, f64)


At the moment the string inner type supports only String (owned) type.

String sanitizers

trimRemoves leading and trailing whitespacestrim
lowercaseConverts the string to lowercaselowercase
uppercaseConverts the string to uppercaseuppercase
withCustom sanitizer. A function or closure that receives String and returns Stringwith = \|mut s: String\| { s.truncate(5); s }

String validators

ValidatorDescriptionError variantExample
max_lenMax length of the stringTooLongmax_len = 255
min_lenMin length of the stringTooShortmin_len = 5
not_emptyRejects an empty stringEmptynot_empty
regexValidates format with a regex. Requires regex feature.RegexMismatchregex = "^[0-9]{7}$" or regex = ID_REGEX
withCustom validator. A function or closure that receives &str and returns boolInvalidwith = \|s: &str\| s.contains('@')
Regex validation


  • regex feature of nutype is enabled.
  • You crate have to explicitly include regex and lazy_static dependencies.

There are a number of ways you can use regex.

A regular expression can be defined right in place:

use nutype::nutype;

#[nutype(validate(regex = "^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}$"))]
pub struct PhoneNumber(String);

or it can be defined with lazy_static:

use nutype::nutype;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use regex::Regex;

lazy_static! {
    static ref PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new("^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}$").unwrap();

#[nutype(validate(regex = PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX))]
pub struct PhoneNumber(String);

or once_cell:

use nutype::nutype;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use regex::Regex;

static PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> =
    Lazy::new(|| Regex::new("[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}$").unwrap());

#[nutype(validate(regex = PHONE_NUMBER_REGEX))]
pub struct PhoneNumber(String);

String derivable traits

The following traits can be derived for a string-based type: Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, FromStr, AsRef, From, TryFrom, Into, Hash, Borrow, Display, Serialize, Deserialize.


The integer inner types are: u8, u16,u32, u64, u128, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, usize, isize.

Integer sanitizers

withCustom sanitizer.with = \|raw\| raw.clamp(0, 100)

Integer validators

ValidatorDescriptionError variantExample
maxMaximum valid valueTooBigmax = 99
minMinimum valid valueTooSmallmin = 18
withCustom validatorInvalidwith = \|num\| num % 2 == 0

Integer derivable traits

The following traits can be derived for an integer-based type: Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, FromStr, AsRef, Into, From, TryFrom, Hash, Borrow, Display, Serialize, Deserialize.


The float inner types are: f32, f64.

Float sanitizers

withCustom sanitizer.with = \|val\| val.clamp(0.0, 100.0)

Float validators

ValidatorDescriptionError variantExample
maxMaximum valid valueTooBigmax = 100.0
minMinimum valid valueTooSmallmin = 0.0
withCustom validatorInvalidwith = \|val\| val != 50.0

Float derivable traits

The following traits can be derived for a float-based type: Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, PartialOrd, FromStr, AsRef, Into, From, TryFrom, Hash, Borrow, Display, Serialize, Deserialize.

Custom sanitizers

You can set custom sanitizers using the with option. A custom sanitizer is a function or closure that receives a value of an inner type with ownership and returns a sanitized value back.

For example, this one

use nutype::nutype;

fn new_to_old(s: String) -> String {
    s.replace("New", "Old")

#[nutype(sanitize(with = new_to_old))]
struct CityName(String);

is equal to the following one:

use nutype::nutype;

#[nutype(sanitize(with = |s| s.replace("New", "Old") ))]
struct CityName(String);

// And works the same way:
let city = CityName::new("New York");
assert_eq!(city.into_inner(), "Old York");

Custom validators

In similar fashion it’s possible to define custom validators, but a validation function receives a reference and returns bool. Think of it as a predicate.

use nutype::nutype;

#[nutype(validate(with = is_valid_name))]
pub struct Name(String);

fn is_valid_name(name: &str) -> bool {
    // A fancy way to verify if the first character is uppercase

How to break the constraints?

First you need to know, you SHOULD NOT do it.

But let’s pretend for some imaginary performance reasons you really need to avoid validation when instantiating a value of newtype (e.g. loading earlier “validated” data from DB).

You can achieve this by enabling new_unchecked crate feature and marking a type with new_unchecked:

use nutype::nutype;

    validate(min_len = 8)
pub struct Name(String);

// Yes, you're forced to use `unsafe` here, so everyone will point fingers at YOU.
let name = unsafe { Name::new_unchecked(" boo ".to_string()) };

// `name` violates the sanitization and validation rules!!!
assert_eq!(name.into_inner(), " boo ");

Feature flags

  • serde - integrations with serde crate. Allows to derive Serialize and Deserialize traits.
  • new_unchecked - enables generation of unsafe ::new_unchecked() function.
  • schemars08 - allows to derive JsonSchema trait of schemars crate. Note that at the moment validation rules are not respected.
  • regex - allows to use regex = validation on string-based types. Note: your crate also has to explicitly have regex and lazy_static within dependencies.

Support Ukrainian military forces 🇺🇦

Today I live in Berlin, I have the luxury to live a physically safe life. But I am Ukrainian. The first 25 years of my life I spent in Kharkiv, the second-largest city in Ukraine, 60km away from the border with russia. Today about a third of my home city is destroyed by russians. My parents, my relatives and my friends had to survive the artillery and air attack, living for over a month in basements.

Some of them have managed to evacuate to EU. Some others are trying to live “normal lifes” in Kharkiv, doing there daily duties. And some are at the front line right now, risking their lives every second to protect the rest.

I encourage you to donate to Charity foundation of Serhiy Prytula. Just pick the project you like and donate. This is one of the best-known foundations, you can watch a little documentary about it. Your contribution to the Ukrainian military force is a contribution to my calmness, so I can spend more time developing the project.

Thank you.

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