Function nuts::send_to[][src]

pub fn send_to<RECEIVER: Any, MSG: Any>(msg: MSG)

Publish a message to a specific activity. The same as id.private_message() but works without an ActivityId.

The first type parameter must always be specified. It determines the receiver of the message. The message is ignored silently if no such activity has been registered or if it has no private channel for this message.

The second type parameter can usually be deferred by the compiler, it is the type of the message to be sent.


struct ExampleActivity {}
let id = nuts::new_activity(ExampleActivity {});
// `private_channel` works similar to `subscribe` but it owns the message.
id.private_channel(|_activity, msg: usize| {
    assert_eq!(msg, 7);
// `send_to` must be used instead of `publish` when using private channels.
// Which activity receives the message is decide by the first type parameter.
nuts::send_to::<ExampleActivity, _>(7usize);