Module ntex::util[][src]


Service that buffers incomming requests.

Service that limits number of in-flight async requests.

Service that applies a timeout to requests.

Contains Variant service and related types and functions.


An immutable UTF-8 encoded string with Bytes as a storage.

A reference counted contiguous slice of memory.

A unique reference to a contiguous slice of memory.

A type map of request extensions.

Future for the lazy function.


Combines two different futures, streams, or sinks having the same associated types into a single type.

A future representing a value that is immediately ready.


Read bytes from a buffer.

A trait for values that provide sequential write access to bytes.

A Sink is a value into which other values can be sent, asynchronously.

A stream of values produced asynchronously.


Future for the join combinator, waiting for two futures to complete.

Creates a future which represents a collection of the outputs of the futures given.

Creates a new future that allows delayed execution of a closure.

Creates a new future wrapping around a function returning Poll.

Waits for either one of two differently-typed futures to complete.

A future that completes after the given item has been fully processed into the sink, including flushing.

Creates a future that resolves to the next item in the stream.

Type Definitions