
Checks if chr is a valid unicode scalar value. Parameters: const NSTDUnichar chr - The unicode character. Returns: NSTDBool is_valid_unicode - True if chr is valid unicode.

Encodes chr into slice. slice->size must be at least 4 and slice->ptr.size must be 1. NOTE: This function does not check the validity of chr. Parameters: const NSTDUnichar chr - A 32-bit char. NSTDSlice *const slice - The encoding buffer.

Converts num to an NSTDUnichar based on radix. Parameters: const NSTDUInt32 num - The number. const NSTDUInt32 radix - The radix. Returns: NSTDUnichar chr - num interpreted as a numerical character, � on error.

Converts an NSTDUInt32 to an NSTDUnichar. Parameters: const NSTDUInt32 num - The u32. Returns: NSTDUnichar chr - num interpreted as a numerical character, � on error.

Checks if an NSTDUnichar is a digit based on radix. NOTE: This function does not check the validity of chr. Parameters: const NSTDUnichar chr - A 32-bit char. Returns: NSTDBool is_digit - True if the character is a digit.

Returns the unicode replacement character (�). Returns: NSTDUnichar chr - The unicode replacement character.

Gets the number of bytes an NSTDUnichar requires. NOTE: This function does not check the validity of chr. Parameters: const NSTDUnichar chr - The unicode character. Returns: NSTDUSize bytes - The number of bytes this NSTDUnichar requires, 0 on error.

Converts an NSTDUnichar to an NSTDUInt32 based on radix. NOTE: This function does not check the validity of chr. Parameters: const NSTDUnichar chr - A 32-bit char. const NSTDUInt32 radix - The radix. NSTDInt32 *const errc - Returns as nonzero on error. Returns: NSTDUInt32 digit - The digit.

Converts a character to lowercase. NOTE: This function does not check the validity of chr. Parameters: const NSTDUnichar chr - A 32-bit char. Returns: NSTDUnichar chr - The lowercase version.

Converts a character to uppercase. NOTE: This function does not check the validity of chr. Parameters: const NSTDUnichar chr - A 32-bit char. Returns: NSTDUnichar chr - The uppercase version.