pub unsafe extern "C" fn nstd_thread_spawn(
    thread_fn: unsafe extern "C" fn(_: NSTDOptionalHeapPtr<'_>) -> NSTDThreadResult,
    data: NSTDOptionalHeapPtr<'static>,
    desc: Option<&NSTDThreadDescriptor>
) -> NSTDOptionalThread
Available on crate feature thread only.
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Spawns a new thread executing the function thread_fn and returns a handle to the new thread.


  • NSTDThreadResult (*thread_fn)(NSTDOptionalHeapPtr) - The thread function.

  • NSTDOptionalHeapPtr data - Data to send to the thread.

  • const NSTDThreadDescriptor *desc - The thread descriptor. This value may be null.


NSTDOptionalThread thread - A handle to the new thread on success, or an uninitialized “none” variant on error.


  • The caller of this function must guarantee that thread_fn is a valid function pointer.

  • This operation can cause undefined behavior if desc.name’s data is invalid.

  • The data type that data holds must be able to be safely sent between threads.


use nstd_sys::{
    thread::{nstd_thread_join, nstd_thread_spawn, NSTDThreadResult},

unsafe extern "C" fn thread_fn(data: NSTDOptionalHeapPtr) -> NSTDThreadResult {

let thread = unsafe { nstd_thread_spawn(thread_fn, NSTDOptional::None, None) };
if let NSTDOptional::Some(thread) = thread {
    if let NSTDOptional::Some(ret) = unsafe { nstd_thread_join(thread) } {
        if let NSTDOptional::Some(_) = ret {
            panic!("this shouldn't be here");