Trait nsi::FnWrite

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pub trait FnWrite<'a>: FnMut(&str, usize, usize, usize, usize, usize, usize, &PixelFormat, &[f32]) -> Error + 'a { }
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A closure which is called for each bucket of pixels the OutputDriver instance sends during rendering.

It is passed to ɴsɪ via the "callback.write" attribute on that node.


let write = nsi::output::WriteCallback::new(
    |name: &str,
     width: usize,
     height: usize,
     x_min: usize,
     x_max_plus_one: usize,
     y_min: usize,
     y_max_plus_one: usize,
     pixel_format: &nsi::output::PixelFormat,
     pixel_data: &[f32]| {
        /// Send our pixels to some texture for realtime display.

        nsi::string!("drivername", "ferris"),
        // While rendering, send all pixel buckets to the write closure.
        nsi::callback!("callback.write", write),
