pub type nrf_modem_at_cmd_custom_handler_t = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(buf: *mut c_char, len: usize, at_cmd: *mut c_char) -> c_int>;
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AT filter callback function format

@note This declaration is used for the callback functions of AT commands in the nRF SDK.

  • buf - Buffer to receive the response into.
  • len - Buffer length.
  • at_cmd - AT command.

Returns 0 On “OK” responses. @returns A positive value On “ERROR”, “+CME ERROR”, and “+CMS ERROR” responses. The type of error can be distinguished using * nrf_modem_at_err_type - . The error value can be retrieved using * nrf_modem_at_err - . Returns -NRF_EPERM The Modem library is not initialized. Returns -NRF_EFAULT * buf - or * fmt - are * NULL - . Returns -NRF_ENOMEM Not enough shared memory for this request. Returns -NRF_E2BIG The response is larger than the supplied buffer * buf - .