Function nrfind::find_root [] [src]

pub fn find_root<N>(
    function: &Fn(N) -> N,
    derivative: &Fn(N) -> N,
    x0: N,
    acceptable_err: N,
    max_iterations: i32
) -> NumericSolutionResult<N> where
    N: Float + Div + Sub + PartialOrd

Uses the Newton-Raphson method to find roots for function given that derivative is the first derivative of function. If max_iterations is reached without the error falling below the given acceptable_err, nrfind will return None.

This function can operate on any type that implements Float. That means arbitrary-precision BigRational types from the num crate are acceptable.


Here, find_root is used to find the root of the polynomial x3 + x2 + 1 to a precision of 0.1 in 18 iterations, staring from a very inaccurate initial guess.

use nrfind::find_root;

// The function x^3 + x^2 + 1
fn f(x: f64) -> f64 {
    x.powi(3) + x.powi(2) + 1.0

// The derivative of f (3x^2 + 2x)
fn fd(x: f64) -> f64 {
    (3.0 * x.powi(2)) + (2.0 * x)

let result = find_root(&f, &fd, 
                       100.0,   // Starting guess
                       0.1,     // Precision
                       18       // Iterations
let actual = -1.4656; // The correct answer

let difference = (result - actual).abs();

assert!(difference < 0.1);