Module nrf52840_pac::radio::shorts

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Shortcut register



Possible values of the field ADDRESS_BCSTART
Values that can be written to the field ADDRESS_BCSTART
Possible values of the field ADDRESS_RSSISTART
Values that can be written to the field ADDRESS_RSSISTART
Possible values of the field CCABUSY_DISABLE
Values that can be written to the field CCABUSY_DISABLE
Possible values of the field CCAIDLE_STOP
Values that can be written to the field CCAIDLE_STOP
Possible values of the field CCAIDLE_TXEN
Values that can be written to the field CCAIDLE_TXEN
Possible values of the field DISABLED_RSSISTOP
Values that can be written to the field DISABLED_RSSISTOP
Possible values of the field DISABLED_RXEN
Values that can be written to the field DISABLED_RXEN
Possible values of the field DISABLED_TXEN
Values that can be written to the field DISABLED_TXEN
Possible values of the field EDEND_DISABLE
Values that can be written to the field EDEND_DISABLE
Possible values of the field END_DISABLE
Values that can be written to the field END_DISABLE
Possible values of the field END_START
Values that can be written to the field END_START
Possible values of the field FRAMESTART_BCSTART
Values that can be written to the field FRAMESTART_BCSTART
Possible values of the field PHYEND_DISABLE
Values that can be written to the field PHYEND_DISABLE
Possible values of the field PHYEND_START
Values that can be written to the field PHYEND_START
Possible values of the field READY_EDSTART
Values that can be written to the field READY_EDSTART
Possible values of the field READY_START
Values that can be written to the field READY_START
Possible values of the field RXREADY_CCASTART
Values that can be written to the field RXREADY_CCASTART
Possible values of the field RXREADY_START
Values that can be written to the field RXREADY_START
Possible values of the field TXREADY_START
Values that can be written to the field TXREADY_START