Expand description

Packet configuration register 1


Packet configuration register 1
Register PCNF1 reader
Register PCNF1 writer


On air endianness of packet, this applies to the S0, LENGTH, S1 and the PAYLOAD fields.
Enable or disable packet whitening

Type Definitions

Field BALEN reader - Base address length in number of bytes
Field BALEN writer - Base address length in number of bytes
Field ENDIAN reader - On air endianness of packet, this applies to the S0, LENGTH, S1 and the PAYLOAD fields.
Field ENDIAN writer - On air endianness of packet, this applies to the S0, LENGTH, S1 and the PAYLOAD fields.
Field MAXLEN reader - Maximum length of packet payload. If the packet payload is larger than MAXLEN, the radio will truncate the payload to MAXLEN.
Field MAXLEN writer - Maximum length of packet payload. If the packet payload is larger than MAXLEN, the radio will truncate the payload to MAXLEN.
Field STATLEN reader - Static length in number of bytes
Field STATLEN writer - Static length in number of bytes
Field WHITEEN reader - Enable or disable packet whitening
Field WHITEEN writer - Enable or disable packet whitening