Expand description

A rusty notcurses wrapper.


use notcurses::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut nc = Notcurses::new_cli()?;
    let mut cli = nc.cli_plane()?;
    cli.putstrln("\nhello world!")?;


Reexport of libnotcurses-sys.


Prints to a plane, similarly as print!.
Prints to a plane, with a new line, similarly as println!.
Sleep for a given time with custom precision.


The detected current terminal capabilities.
A Cell corresponds to a single grapheme cluster on some Plane,
The Rgb + Alpha of a Cell’s background or foreground.
A pair of both foreground and background Channels.
A received input.
A synthesized Received input event other than a char.
A bitmask of keyboard modifiers.
A bitmask of mice input events.
Notcurses state for a given terminal, composed of Planes.
An array of 256 Channels.
A drawable text surface, composed of Cells.
The geometry of a Plane or a terminal.
A pair of coordinates.
A 24-bit RGB value.
A 32-bit RGBA value.
A pair of positive lengths.
Runtime statistics.
A bitmask of styles.
A visual bit of multimedia.
The geometry of a Visual.


Alignment within a Plane or terminal.
Alpha information, part of a Channel.
Blitter mode to use for rasterizing a Visual.
The Notcurses error type.
The type of the Input event.
Stderr log level.
Pixel blitting implementations, informative only.
Alpha information, part of a Channel.
Indicates how to scale a Visual during rendering.

Type Definitions

The Notcurses result type.